02 ≫ superpowers?

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(Eliza's POV)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, rolling over and slamming it to silence the noise. I heard a crash. Peeling my eyes open, I saw my clock smashed to pieces. I blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing clearly. I reached for my glasses and put them on, but then everything was blurry, I took them off and my eye sight was crystal clear. Slowly, I put the glasses back on my nightstand and got out of bed.

I noticed that I was starving, so I got up to go get some food. I opened my door, but my hand was stuck to the bronze door knob. My eyebrows knitted together, while I tried to unstick my finger tips from the handle, but it wouldn't budge. I pulled harder and harder until I heard a loud popping noise. The door knob had come off of the door. I tried to fix it before my mom saw, my eyes growing wide.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw my mom looking at me kind of weirdly. I saw that she is wearing her scrubs, probably getting ready to go to work. She had been a nurse for the last 10 years, deciding to go back to school after my dad died. She told me that he died when I was a baby, and I hadn't been skeptical of her statement until recently.

"Morning," she said while sipping on her coffee.

"You look George Weasley right now," I said while chuckling. "All you need is a q-tip sticking out of your ear." She let out a snort. I walked to the fridge and basically gathered all of the food to dump it on the counter. I started eating right away, shoving as much food as I possibly could in my mouth.

"Hungry?" she asked. I glared at her. "Eliza, you slept for 17 hours." I almost choked on an apple. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I slept for 17 hours??" I asked, she nodded. "I feel a little better than yesterday." She felt my forehead for a fever.

"Well, you don't feel abnormally hot." She pointed to the the mess I made on the kitchen island. "So just finish eating, clean this up and then get ready for school." I smiled sheepishly at her. She checked her watch, "Alright I'm heading to work, don't die," she said playfully while kissing the top of my head and going out the door.

Once I finished scarfing down the rest of the food and cleaning it all up, I went to my room and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and was really confused. I looked a lot skinner and my arms were way more toned, even after I ate all that food. I even had abs all of a sudden? That was usually where I kept my pouch of cheeseburgers. I shrugged and got dressed in my Midtown sweatshirt and some black jeans with converse. Then I put my hair up in a bun.

Grabbing my backpack, making sure I had all my books and stuff, I made my way down the stairs of Peter and I's apartment building. The elevator was always super slow and didn't have any lights inside so we never took it. Outside I met Peter, flashing him a smile. But I did a double take when I saw him.

He looked a lot taller than yesterday, and his shirt looked a bit tighter. I was really confused because he wasn't wearing his glasses, but then again, neither was I. I shrugged it off and we started walking to school.

"Y-you look...different," I said, "A good different I mean."

He scratched the back of his neck. "Um, thank you? No glasses?" he said, gesturing to my face.

"Yeah...you neither?" He nodded. 

"Dude, the craziest things have been happening this morning. My mom told me that I slept for 17 hours? Also, I accidentally broke my door knob, and smashed my alarm clock, it's like I don't know my own strength-" I ranted.

"Yeah! Me too," he cut me off, "I was brushing my teeth this morning and I was just squeezing the toothpaste tube when like, half of the container squirted onto the mirror!" he said while using hand gestures, "and then I went to turn on the water and the whole handle came of and squirted water everywhere and the-" He noticed my laughing and glared at me.

𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now