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Ben hated to admit it but Herbert the son of Hercules was just useless. He didn't want to believe he had a second cousin that is Hades daughter. Ben knew he had to do something, Harmony is trying to help him with his dream, it's only fair he helps her. "Fairy Godmother." Ben ran over. "You're setting something up so that the VKs can talk to their parents right?"

"Yes, since they can't be here for Family Day." Fairy Godmother nodded.

"I need you to send one more, with this note." Ben said giving her a letter.

Hours later, Ben was sweating. He was more worried about this conversation he was going to have then he was about the big game tomorrow but this had to be done. Straightening out his coat he looked at the time. One more minute.

Right on time Hades appeared on the screen. "Princey, gotta say this is quite a surprise."

"Hades." Ben managed to choke out before he cleared his throat. "Thank you for responding."

"Not like I had a choice or was doing much else since you know, your daddy trapped me here on this wasteland." Hades glared.

"Right, but the reason I'm contacting you is because I have some questions." Ben asked.

"No you're not dying." Hades said.

"No, not that." Ben quickly said. "But that's um good to know. Do you have a kid?"

Hades chuckled. "Oh I see. Yeah, I heard about your proclamation. Stupid but no, I don't have a child I can just give to you to brainwash."

"What about adoption? Did you ever give your child up for adoption?"

Hades raised his brow at him confused by the question. "No, I have no kid, never did, hopefully never will. I mean everyone I met annoys the hell out of me."

"Is it possible you have one and don't know?"

Hades thought about it for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "I guess it's possible, I'm not exactly what you would call 'pure'. Why are you asking?"

"I'm asking for her." Ben played a video of Harmony doing her song when he met her. For some reason Audrey recorded it.

Hades stared at the girl in complete shock. She had flaming blue hair, a style that matched his own, his sharp teeth, and a few of his face features. Not to mention she clearly has all his powers. "This is a joke, it has to be a joke!" Hades shot out of his chair and started pacing.

"So you never knew she existed?"

"NO!" Hades yelled flaming up. "You're saying whoever her mother is put her up for adoption?"

Ben nodded. "Yeah, to demons."

"DEMONS!!" Hades burst.

"I've met them, they're not that bad and they really seem to love her." Ben said hoping that will help calm him down.

"I HAVE A KID!" Hades flamed up a few times before he sat back down and sighed putting his head in his hands. "What's her name?"

"Harmony." Ben answered. "She's sixteen."

"Sixteen." Hades quickly did the math in his head. "I know who the mother is."

"Well that's great isn't it?"

"No." Hades mumbled. "Sixteen. I missed everything."

Ben actually felt really sorry for the God, if Hades gave her up it would have been a different story but to not even know he had a kid and to find out when she's so much older has to be hard. "My parents told me that Harmony's adopted parents said someone who looks like a giant plant gave her to them."

"That could only be my sister." Hades groaned.

"Your sister?"

"Yeah, Demeter, my least favorite sister. She always hated me, probably more since I knocked up her daughter."

Ben choked on his breath. "You what?"

"Oh don't be so surprised. Zeus is married to our other sister and Demeter's daughter is also his daughter. What you didn't know that Hercules was created by two idiots that have the same DNA." He couldn't help but chuckle at how pale Ben now was. "It would make sense Demeter would give my child to Demons. She always called me one."

"Well um..."

"Beast got your tongue?" Hades joked before going serious. "I'm guessing you're dad wants to throw her on this Isle."

"I won't allow it." Ben assured him. "Harmony is already my friend and she's not evil."

"My daughter? Raised by demons friends with the enemy and not evil?" Hades said sarcastically.

"She isn't." Ben promised. "She was raised in a place that wants to rehabilitate sinners. She came to me when she heard of my proclamation and she has a good heart."

"Gods don't have hearts."

"You know what I mean, if you want I can arrange for you to meet her."

"In person?" Hades asked.

"I'll see what I can do." Ben promised.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now