One on One Time

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"Hades, may I ask you something?" Alastor asked.

"Sure." Hades shrugged.

"Angel and I have reservations tonight would you like us to cancel?"

"Why would I care about that?" Hades asked.

"Well Angel and I like it when someone is keeping an eye on Harmony while we're gone, we know she's older and responsible but it gives us some piece of mind while we're away."

"So you're asking me to babysit my own daughter." Hades rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, I knew you'd understand." Alastor laughed.

Hades was about to say something else until Harmony walked out of the elevator. "You look great mom." Harmony said as Angel walked out in drag.

Hades had to do a double take on the demon and saw it was Angel. "Wow."

"I know I really outdid myself

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"I know I really outdid myself." Angel said doing a pose.

"I just didn't expect you to look so much like a girl." Hades admitted.

"Well I am Hell's most sexiest drag queen." Angel said proudly. "So what did you say?"


"About one on one time with Harmony."

"Oh yeah, sure." Hades nodded.

"We have our phones if there's any trouble." Angel said as he grabbed his purse. "Don't let her stay up too late, if she can't sleep don't let her get out of bed and..."

"Mom." Harmony interrupted him. "Don't overwhelm him."

"Fine, you're right, I trust you." Angel nodded. "I should probably tell him about the shea butter and the..."

"No!" Harmony quickly covered Angel's mouth. "He doesn't need to know about that."

"Yes I do." Hades grinned.

"Tell him and I'm turning all your pink dresses gray." Harmony threatened.

"Fine." Angel gave up. "But if you're still awake when I get home I'm doing it."

"Deal." Harmony agreed.

"Very entertaining those two aren't they." Alastor said before he kissed Harmony's head. "Have a good evening my darling."

Angel gave her a huge kiss on the cheek before he and Alastor left.

Harmony sighed and landed right next to Hades on the couch. "Those two sometimes."

Hades chuckled and kicked his legs up on the coffee table. "I would have done worse just to let you know."

"Hey, I've been wanting to ask, who's my birth mom?" Harmony asked.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now