Family Day

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Harmony knocked on her parent's door after another day of helping the VKs. "May I come in?"

"Of course darling." She heard Alastor say.

Opening her parent's door she saw Alastor was reading one of his gory books and Angel was doing his nails.

"Hey sweetie, what's up?" Angel asked not looking up from his filing.

"Well." Harmony crawled onto their bed and sat between them. "Ben said tomorrow is family day and he would like for the three of us to be there."

"Family Day huh?" Angel said still not looking up.

"I think that's a splendid idea." Alastor smiled wider.

"You do?" Angel asked.

"Yes of course darling."

"Al, going up to a handful of prudes is one thing but a whole school and their families?"

"It's for our daughter dear, and I think it will be very entertaining."

Angel sighed and put down his nail file. "Alright, just for a little while."

"Great, do you need me to summon you again?" Harmony asked.

"That won't be necessary dear." Alastor replied. "Charlie loaned us one of her father's spell books, we can use that tomorrow to see you."

"Dad, can you help me find something to wear?" Harmony asked.

"Of course." Angel smiled down at her.

Harmony kissed both her parents before walking out.

Angel sighed. "I'm still not so sure about this Al, maybe we should have told her what the spell does. You know she hates surprises."

"It will be fine dear." Alastor assured.

The next day in Auradon Ben just finished his performance and was about to get his picture taken with his parents.

"I got a new girlfriend." Ben told them.

"Do we know your new girlfriend?" Adam asked.

"Ben!" Harmony ran over in the dress Angel made for her and high boots.

"Harmony." Ben smiled and hugged her. "I'm so glad you made it. Mom, dad you remember Harmony."

"Yes, how could we forget?" Adam managed to say.

Belle nodded with a very nervous smile.

"So um, how did this happen?" Adam asked.

"What?" Harmony asked. "My dress? My dad made it for me."

"No, how did you and Ben start going out?" Bella clearified.

"Harmony's not my new girlfriend." Ben told them. "I see her more as a little sister."

Harmony chuckled. "They thought we were dating?"

"I was just about to tell them about Mal." Ben explained.

"Have fun with that." Harmony then spotted the two VK boys playing with a chocolate fountain. "Hey! Save some for the rest of us!"

Ben laughed as Harmony ran after Jay and Carlos, he can't remember the last time he had so much fun before Harmony came.

After the picture and introducing his parents to Mal, Herbert came up to him with his parents.

"Ben is it true?" Meg asked. "Hades has a daughter and she's here?"

Ben gave Herbert a very annoyed look. "Yes but..."

"Are you insane? He's a soul stealer and you allowed his child near all these people!" Meg shouted at him.

"Ah Benjamin."

Ben turned and his eyes widened at what he saw.

Alastor and Angel looked human.

"Good to see you again my fine young fellow." Alastor greeted. "I made my mother's famous Jambalaya for this special occasion."

Ben straightened up and turned to Herbert and his parents while loudly calling. "Harmony! Your PARENTS are here."

Harmony ran over and Hercules and Meg saw the daughter of Hades for the first time. She ran over with a big smile on her face but stared in shock when she saw her parents. "What did you two do to yourselves?!"

"You like it?" Alastor asked. "Thought we'd blend in more."

"Are you really my parents? What happened to your voice?" Harmony asked when she didn't hear any static as Alastor spoke.

Angel then chucked before giving her forehead a big kiss and started pinching her cheeks while cooing. "Who's mama's little baby girl? You are! Yes you are!"

Alastor laughed. "Oh goodness Angel now look what you've done." Alastor balanced the bowl of jambalaya in one arm before using his other to reach into his pocket and pull out a handkerchief to rub Angel's lipstick off Harmony's face.

Harmony sighed. "Yeah, you're them alright. Why would you two do this to yourselves? I love you both just the way you are."

"Don't worry my little songbird, it's only temporary." Alastor assured.

"See Al, I told you this was a bad idea, turn us back." Angel demanded.

"It will wear off soon I assure you." Alastor promised. "Harmony dear, would you mind showing me where I can put your grandmother's jambalaya?"


Angel was about to follow but he saw the family next to Ben staring at him. He looked them up and down then smirked at Hercules. "Hey, you're pretty buff, what do ya bench?"

"Um." Hercules awkwardly coughed. "I never really tested my strength that much. So that's your daughter huh?"

Angel nodded. "Yep."

"She seems like a good kid." Hercules admitted.

"She is." Angel smiled proudly. "She's perfect." With that said he left to join his family.

Alastor just set his dish on the table but then something caught his eyes and his nose. "Is that gumbo I smell?"

Tiana looked up at him and smiled. "Yes it is, and is that jambalaya."

"Yes in dede." Alastor nodded. "Do I detect a New Orlean's accent?"

"Do I?" Tiana chuckled.

"It has been so long since I've seen my hometown." Alastor grinned at her before shaking her hand. "Alastor."

"Tiana." She shook his back.

"Tell me is Mardi Gras as good as I remember?" Alastor asked.

"Oh yes, if fact I can see in clearly from my restaurant." She tried some of his jambalaya. "Whoa, this is the bee's knees."

"It's my mother's recipe, you could say the kick is right out of Hell."

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang