Harmony meets Beauty and the Beast

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"If you're not the daughter of Hades who's daughter are you?" Evie asked.

"My parents names are Alastor and Angel." Harmony answered.

"Never heard of them." Jay shrugged.

"You wouldn't unless you were alive in the 1930s or been to Hell." Harmony told him. "So anyway about that tour."

"Oh right." Ben started showing them around.

Everyone followed him to a statue of King Adam, AKA The Beast. Ben clapped his hands making the statue change into beast form. Carlos screamed and jumped into Harmony's arms. "Carlos it's ok, my dad wanted it to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible."

Harmony took a quick look into the boy's eyes and saw nothing but pain, his mother really did some bad stuff to him so she just let the boy calm down. When his breathing was back to normal he saw how was holding him. "Oh! I am so sorry." He quickly jumped out of her arms.

"It's alright." Harmony assured him patting him on the back before walking into the school.

"Does it shed much?" Mal asked Ben.
"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Ben replied before they walked into the building.
"So do you have a lot of magic here in Aruadon? Like wands and stuff?" Mal asked.

"Yeah, it exists of course. But it's pretty much retired, most of us here are just ordinary mortals."
"Who happen to be Kings and Queens." Mal added.
"That's true." Audrey bragged then sighed dreamily. "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." She said as she forced Ben to wrap his arm around her.

Ben awkwardly let out a nervous chuckle before a look of relief crossed his face. "DOUG!" Ben walked over to his friend. "This is Doug, he's going to help you with your class schedules and help you with the rest of the dorms." He walked back to the others. "I'll see you later ok? And if there is anything you need feel free to...'
"Ask Doug." Audrey interrupted.

"Um Harmony was it?" Ben asked.

Harmony gave a short nod.

"If you wanna follow me we can get you registered."

"For what?" Harmony asked.

"To be a student here."

"Sorry but I can't, my parents are only allowing me to stay here for a few hours a day. I'm just here to help you out not go to school."

"Oh well if you wanna do that there are some forms for you to fill out."

Harmony nodded and followed him and Audrey.

The VKs were lead to their dorms but stuck together to talk.

"There is no way that's not Hades daughter." Mal said to her friends.

"If she is she doesn't know it." Evie pointed out. "If she's a goddess she can't lie."

"I say we include her." Carlos told them. "With powers like that getting the wand will be easy."

Ben walked Harmony into a room his parents and the Fairy godmother were waiting. "Mom, dad, Fairy Godmother, this is Harmony, she's here to help with my proclamation."

"You didn't tell us the daughter of Hades was coming." Adam said to his son.

"Ok, seriously, who is Hades?" Harmony asked Ben.

"Dad, Harmony isn't from the Isle of the Lost." Ben gave his dad a look.

"Who are your parents then?" Belle asked.

"Alastor and Angel." Harmony answered.

The three adults looked at each other confused not knowing who those names.

"Well." Beast cleared his throat. "Do you know who I am?"

"No, why? Did you forget?" Harmony asked.

Ben chuckled. "Harmony this is my dad, the King of Auradon."

"So you wanna go to school here?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"I can't." Harmony told her. "My parents want me home soon, I'm only allowed to drop by now and then."

"Well why don't you invite your parents here and we'll discuss things with them." Belle suggested.

"Sure." Harmony agreed as he pulled out her hellphone. "Let me call them." Harmony walked out of the room.

Ben looked up at his parents. "Mom, dad, when her parents get here try not to freak out."

"I'm sure we can handle it." Belle told him.

"Mom, Harmony said she's from Hell."

Adam had to catch Belle as she fainted.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now