Aunt Vaggie

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Even though Vaggie was the calmest one during the situation she hasn't worried this much about Harmony since her first year with two men she can barely stand. When Angel ran into the hotel full of excitement saying he and Alastor adopted a baby she right away worried for the kid. Charlie however was just as excited as them. She and Angel were both jumping around squealing like teenage girls about to meet their favorite boyband or something.

Alastor was just standing there all smiles as always making Vaggie point her spear at him like she did when they first met. "What are you planning?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could use that room across from ours or maybe right next to it." Alastor answered. "Not sure about what colors to use yet since we don't know if it's a boy or girl."

"You expect me to believe you of all demons want to raise a baby?" Vaggie growled.

"Isn't it great?!" Angel joined in the conversation. "I always wanted a kid and now I get to raise one from scratch. I hope it's a girl I always wanted a girl, but I'd still love it even if it was a boy. I gotta tell Fat Nuggets he's gonna be a big brother!" Angel and Alastor both headed to their room Vaggie turned to Charlie.

"Charlie we can't allow this?"

"Why not?" Charlie asked.

"Because it's... it's them!"

"Oh come on Vaggie, they're happily married now and Angel tells me during almost every therapy session how much he wished he could be a dad. And Al is very protective over what's his, how many times has he saved this hotel. Those two have been through so much."

"But a tiny, helpless, defenseless baby?"

"Well, we're gonna be aunts so we'll be a big part of their life too. Oh I'm so excited!" Charlie went back to jumping in place making Vaggie sigh.

As the days went by everyone seemed different. Whenever Nifty wasn't cleaning she was sewing blankets and clothes for the new member of the hotel. Charlie got rid of a lot of stuff she thought would be too scary or too unsafe for her future niece and nephew. Alastor and Angel were both working together to make the perfect bedroom for their new kid, even Husk seemed different. At first when Angel and Alastor told them he just shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal but when they asked him to be the godfather everything changed about him too. Instead of drinking all day he was helping carry boxes in for either the new room or for what Charlie has replaced. He told Nifty if he thought the blankets she made were soft enough and even put all his booze on higher shelves leaving the lower ones to be stocked with stuff his godchild might need. Vaggie really didn't want to help cause she still worried about the child and still thought it was a bad idea until Angel ran down and told everyone the mom went into labor. Alastor and Angel ran out full speed to where they agreed to meet making Vaggie even more nervous while everyone else ran around making sure everything was perfect.

When Alastor and Angel finally came back Angel had tears of joy in his eyes as he told them all they have a girl. Everyone gathered around Angel and pretty much gasped in surprise when they saw she has blue fire for hair.

Charlie reached over before Vaggie could stop her and Charlie smiled. "It feels amazing. Not burning at all."

"Kid looks almost human." Husk commented.

"That bitch told us this kid will have evil powers or some shit like that." Angel said. "As if it this kids fault her mom got knocked up."

"So what's her name?" Vaggie finally asked.

"We're gonna call her Harmony." Alastor answered.

Much like everyone Vaggie hates to admit when she was wrong. Alastor and Angel raised Harmony to be a great kid. She was a joy to be around and won everyone's black hearts right away. Vaggie remembers the first time she was alone with her. After four months Charlie convinced Angel and Alastor that they needed a break, even though they refused at first Charlie had to use her 'I'm your princess' speech so they had no choice but to go out on a date night.

"Fine, but call us if anything goes wrong." Angel said, even though he was all dressed up he didn't look happy about being forced to leave his daughter even though it was just for a few hours.

Vaggie pretty much stayed back and let the others do the work until later that night when she went upstairs to grab some papers she needed but for some reason she looked into Harmony's room to see she was awake. Vaggie picked her up making the two just stare at each other. "Guess you don't know who I am yet huh?"

Harmony looked away from her probably trying to find her parents but didn't see them anywhere making her start to whimper a bit. Vaggie really didn't want her to cry and have the others think she had nothing to do with it but she never took care of someone this young before. She knows everyone always plays music for her so she sang a spanish song she remembers her grandmother sang to her.

Harmony seemed way more comfortable with Vaggie after that making her sigh but when she turned around Angel was standing there with a knowing look.

"How much of that did you hear?" Vaggie asked.

Angel held up a monitor. "All of it."

Now Harmony is a teen and is in a coma, Vaggie was having deja vu as she walked over to Harmony's room to check on her. She carefully opened the door and covered her mouth so to not scream. Angel and Alastor were sitting next to the bed asleep, they have slept since the night before Harmony went into a coma so they must have past our from worry and exhaustion but Harmony's bed was empty. Fearing the worst Vaggie ran out with her spear in her hand.

After hearing what Harmony has done in the past Hades needed to cool off so the two of them walked around outside since it's been so long since Hades has seen the sun.

"So besides Alastor and Angel, I live with my godfather who was a soldier when he was alive and three aunts even though I have five. There's aunt Charlie, aunt Nifty, and aunt Vaggie. And my mom has a pet pig." Harmony told him.

"Ok." Hades said. "So what's Hell like? I always thought it was fire and eternal suffering."

"It is." Harmony nodded. "Only it's in a different part. There's nine circles and different parts of a pentagram. I was raised in Pentagram city where all the sinners go. I don't leave the hotel much because well it's Hell."

"You don't belong there you know." Hades told her.

"Maybe not but I could never leave my dad and radio daddy."

"Your what?"

"One of my dads is called the Radio demon so I called him radio daddy. I said radio dad once and he told me not to call him that again. I think he's just scared I'm getting older and hates when I outgrow things."

"And the other one?" Hades asked.

"Angel is a drag queen who has been through so much but he always puts on a happy face and jokes around, he said he was never really truly happy till he got me."

Hades nodded his head a little as he looked around.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Hades shrugged.

"Why are you on that Isle? What could be so bad that you're locked in there?"

"I tried to kill my nephew." Hades answered.


"Long story, I'll tell you sometime."

"Ok then." Harmony stood there awkwardly. "Look, I'd really love to talk more but I should really get home. I kinda just disappeared, they're probably freaking out. Do you wanna come with me?"

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now