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"So you see, Harmony was raised in a hotel that rehabilitates sinners, which is why she's taken such an interest in this proclamation." Alastor explained. "I help run it and Angel here was the very first guest which is how we met, he however decided to help out instead and the two of us raised our daughter together in the hotel. The Hazbin Hotel, I thought of the name."

"Use to be the Happy Hotel." Angel added.

The royal family and Fairy Godmother were a little uncomfortable, not only were their demons in front of them but Harmony was sitting on Angel's lap with her head laying against his furry chest. Angel had the top of his jacket unbuttoned, his lower arms were around her waist while his upper hands stroked her hair. He caught sight of how they were looking at him. "What?" He then figured it out. "Hey, I'm still a guy people."

"Sorry." Harmony apologized to them. "I used a lot of my powers today, I'm exhausted and his chest is better than any pillow in the world."

"Anyway." Ben quickly said. "Why wouldn't you want Harmony to be a student?"

"Because we said so." Alastor answered. "We can not stand to be away from her long, why we'd go mad."

"They would." Harmony agreed.

"Well I'm sure we can work something out." Ben said. "How about those forms I told you about?"

Harmony nodded and kissed both her parents before following Ben out.

Angel buttoned up his jacket and looked at the others. "So we done here?"

"We just have some follow up questions." Fairy Godmother said.

Angel groaned annoyed before Alastor elbowed him. "What would you like to know?"

"Is Harmony a demon?"

"No." Alastor shook his head. "We honestly don't know what she is, we never met her birth parents."

"Then how did you adopt her?" Adam asked.

"This big green bitch overheard me and Al say we wanted a child or some shit so she walked up to us. She said her daughter was knocked up and couldn't keep the kid so she asked if we would." Angel explained. "She said we were the perfect match, we assume she meant cause the kid had fire powers and you know, Hell, fire."

Alastor nodded. "So once the child was born she gave her to us right away."

"We were so happy it was a girl, it's what we wanted." Angel added.

"Do you know who the woman was?" Belle asked.

"We never got a name." Angel answered. "But she looked like a big ass plant."

Meanwhile Ben let Harmony into an office room where he sat down behind a desk. "Ok so just let me get the..." He was interrupted as Harmony sat down on the desk right next to him. The slit on her dress showed him too much of her leg making him blush. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable on a chair?"

Harmony shrugged and sat on the chair on the other side of the desk before taking the forms and started filling them out. It was quiet for a while before she finally spoke. "It's ok to ask me questions you know. I can tell you're curious."

Ben cleared his throat. "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude."

"I don't mind." Harmony assured.

"Well... You and your family seem pretty happy for people that are in Hell."

Harmony nodded. "That's understandable to be confused about. There are different parts of Hell, you've probably only heard of the part where souls get tortured and stuff like that. My family and I live in the part where sinners live. Sin City I call it. It's an ok part just your basic drug addicts, gamblers, stuck ups, sex crazy maniacs. But my aunt Charlie is different she believes everyone in that part of the area has something good deep down inside. I honestly believe her, I've seen it. Plus an angel can become a demon, why can't a demon become an angel? But I never believed in good or evil. My dad was raised in the mob and abused which is how he got addicted to drugs, it's not his fault he was forced to murder. He has a good heart and didn't deserve what happened to him. He overdosed on Angel Dust which is how he got his name."

"That's awful." Ben agreed.

"Which is why I wanna help you." Harmony explained.

Ben nodded, he understood her now. She's just a misunderstood girl with a lot of love in her heart. He stood up and offered his hand. "Can you start tomorrow?"

Harmony nodded and shook his hand. "Guess we're partners now."

Ben chuckled. "Guess so."

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now