Harmony's Past

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"Dad, is this necessary?" Ben asked. "This is a big deal for both of them."

Harmony and Hades were sitting at a small table facing each other with Ben, Adam, Belle, Fairy Godmother, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and about every guard watching them.

"He's a villain Ben, we can't trust him." Adam replied.

"He just took the wand from Maleficent and gave it back to Fairy Godmother." Ben pointed out.

"Shh." Belle shushed them.

Hades and Harmony haven't said anything to each other yet. They both didn't know what to say.

"Look." Hades finally spoke. "I know there's a lot of dead beat dads out there. The Isle is full of them, I didn't know you existed, or I would have found a way to look out for you and all that. I mean, you were in Hell with demons and.."

"Dude." Harmony said before he started rambling. "You're way cooler than I thought you'd be."

Hades blinks, no one has ever made him speechless before.

"Anyway." Harmony said when he didn't reply. "I should really get back to Hell."

"You actually want to go back to Hell?" Hades asked.

"I just disappeared, the whole hotel is probably freaking out."


"I was raised in the Hazbin Hotel which tries to rehabilitate demons. Which is why I'm here to help the island."

"How the heck is it that you are this good but you were raised in Hell by demons?"

"I was raised by very overprotective parents and my aunt Charlie probably had a lot to do with it."

"Right." Hades said before asking. "What are your parents like?"

"They're great." Harmony answered. "They are a bit much sometimes but I'm sure every parent is like that. One of them literally never stops smiling cause he believes it shows power and gives people fear. Hell fears him because he's so power but he's so much fun too, he's very old fashioned and just about everything excites him. He finds entertainment in almost everything which is how I was raised to think. My other parent is a mom and a dad to me. He's hilarious and always joking even though he's been through a lot in life and death. He's so easy to talk to and always makes me laugh. He died of a drug overdose but he gave them up after he had me."

"Harmony." Mal stepped forward. "Something has been bothering me and I wanted to ask you for a while about it."

"What?" Harmony asked.

"You told me you know what it's like to do anything for someone you love, what did you do?" Mal asked. "I know it was bad, I could see the hurt in your eyes."

"Well now I wanna know." Hades said facing her.

"It's Hell, of course something happened." Harmony said.

"Tell me what." Hades demanded.

Harmony sighed. "When my mom died he was talked into signing a contract to work for an abusive overlord named Valentino. Valentino made him a star, to this day my mom is still insanely famous, everyone wanted him but just for his body. My mom is always so happy around me that I would have never guessed he was being abused on the streets. My radio daddy always tried to get him out of it but the contract couldn't be broken without making a deal."

Harmony remembered that day, about two years ago when she was 14.

She was on her way to the kitchen late at night cause she couldn't sleep, she was surprised when the doors open to show Angel Dust beaten up. "MOM!" Harmony screamed as she ran down to him and grabbed him by the shoulders. His dress was ripped, he had blood staining his fur and his makeup was all messed up. "Mom, who did this to you?" Harmony cried.

"No no no." Angel cried. "Baby you can't be here, you can't see me like this."

Harmony shook her head and teleported them to her bathroom to help him. "Tell me what happened." She said as she got the first aid kit.

Angel laid against the wall and grabbed her hand and used one of his other ones to wipe the tears that were falling from her eyes. "Oh baby, I never wanted you to know about this, I wanted you to see me as just your loving parent." Angel choked on his sob as he pulled off the pink wig he was wearing. "Mommy made a mistake when he first became a demon and I've been paying for it ever since."

"This happens to you a lot?" Harmony asked.

"Yes, your daddy and I are trying to get me out of it." Angel cupped two of his hands around her face making her look into his eyes. "This hotel is the safest place for all of us, this is why we never want you to leave."

Harmony teared up more as she hugged her mom/dad. That was the night she learned of Angel being a slave.

The next night when she made sure her parents were asleep she teleported to Valentino's studio, she was ready to kill him and she almost did but Valentino told her that he's the only one who can free Angel, if he dies Angel will always be under lock and key with no freedom. Harmony knows all about deals. Her radio daddy is a deal maker after all.

"Alright bitch, I'll make you a deal." Harmony growled at him. "Set him free and in return, I'll take his place."

"YOU WHAT?!" Hades jumped up knocking over his chair.

"I couldn't let him suffer anymore." Harmony explained. "That's my parent, he always put me first, it's what love does."

"So you sold your body?" Belle asked feeling so sorry for this girl.

"Yes." Harmony answered. "But we both agreed that I was way too young to have my purity taken away so I was to entertain the rougher demons since I heal. You know, whips, knives, fire, handcuffed to the bed. I was only hurt for a few seconds then I was healed. It was worth it though, my mom was free, that's all I wanted. If the demons tried to rape me I had permission to kill them need to say I did that a lot."

A week after she made the deal Angel was a whole new person. Every night she would teleport in and out and wake up in time to see Angel dancing around in the kitchen while making breakfast. Angel kissed Alastor and told him that Valentino's chains were gone and he was free. Alastor however knew nothing was ever that easy, he also noticed the light has disappeared from his daughter's eyes. Alastor cornered Harmony one night and asked her if she had something to do with it. Since Harmony can't tell lies she had to admit what she did but she promised Alastor that her deal was different from Angels. Now that Angel was freed Val can die because Harmony didn't have the chains and Alastor made sure that's exactly what happened. Angel was terrified when Harmony told him what she did for him and couldn't stop crying until the three of them left to kill Val themselves as a family. 

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now