Stay or Go

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"You want me to go with you?" Hades asked surprised.

"Sure, my birth dad should meet my adopted ones."

"Won't they want to not meet me?" Hades asked.

"They can't kill you." Harmony shrugged. "You're like me right? Can't feel a bullet or knife wound?"


"Then you'll be fine." Harmony promised. "They won't try anything if I tell them not to and I am not gonna have you go back to that isle."

"No offense kid but I don't wanna go to Hell and I'm not too crazy about you going there either." Hades said. "Why do you wanna go back there anyway?"

"Because everyone I've ever love my whole life is there, they see I'm not where they left me they'll attack the city, and I hate when they worry."

"You seem alright for a kid from Hell."

"I'm not a demon as you know, just raised by some and I'm not saying being a demon is good, I've had to kill thousands in my time but most demons were human before they died one hell of a death. What happened to my mom wasn't his fault it was his dads. Lets just say the part of Hell I live in is the best part of it and you're lucky to end up there. I've heard of the other parts, I had to sleep with my parents for weeks after hearing the stories. My radio daddy did really bad things alive and dead but after he married and adopted me he slowed down."

"Slowed down what?"


Hades stopped and gave her a bit of a look.

"I know."

"You expect me to be ok with this?" Hades asked.

"No, but that's why I want you to meet them." Harmony answered.

"Fine, one meeting." Hades answered. "But does it have to be in Hell?"

"I've been missing for over an hour when everyone thinks I'm in a coma and knowing my parents they never left my side. They're going to think I was kidnapped."

"Fine." Hades gave in.

"I'm gonna say goodbye to the others first." Harmony said.


"They're my friends." Harmony answered before teleporting back.

"Well, at least I know you can teleport." Hades said.

"Ben, I'm going home and I'm taking Hades with me."

Ben nodded understanding. "Will you be back?"

"Sure, but it might take a while, I have a dad to get to know." Harmony then drew something and gave it to him. "Just draw this, say my name and I'll be right here."

"Thanks, for everything." Ben said as the two friends hugged again.

Harmony looked at Mal. "Take care of him and get as many kids off the Isle as possible."

Evie walked over and hugged her. "Thanks for believing in us."

"Sure." Harmony then looked at Jay and Carlos and hugged them to. "See ya boys." She then turned to Ben's parents. "Belle, ya got a good kid. Adam... I'll probably see you in Hell when you die. Come on dad." With that Harmony took Hades's hand and snapped her fingers teleporting them to Pentagram City.

Hades raised up his sunglasses to look at the place. "This is Hell?"

"Part of it. Pentagram City or Sin City, whatever you want to call it." Harmony answered.

"Looks like New York." Hades answered. "Nothing at all like I pictured."

''What'd you pictured exists." Harmony told him. "People are lucky if they die and end up here where all ya gotta worry about are other demons."

Hades read some of the signs. "Alright, well I'm uncomfortable."

Harmony chuckled. "Yeah, I know, it's why I hardly ever leave the hotel unless I'm with my parents." Harmony then saw someone nearby strangling another demon and about to put a spear into their heads.

"I know you've seen her!"

"Aunt Vaggie?" Harmony walked over.

Vaggie dropped the demon and looked over to see Harmony standing just a few feet away. Vaggie grabbed Harmony and pulled her away from Hades before pointing her spear at Hades. "Who are you?! What are you doing with my niece?!"

"Name is Hades, lord of the dead, hi how you doing?" Hades gave her a small wave.

"Aunt Vaggie, I wasn't kidnapped." Harmony said standing in front of Hades.

"So you left? You never leave unless someone is with you!" Vaggie yelled.

"No, I gave Ben my word that I would see him get his crown."

"Oh." Vaggie said now understanding. "Your parents won't be happy."

"They don't know I'm gone?" Harmony asked.

"They passed out waiting for you to wake up. Now who is this?" Vaggie asked.

"I just told you." Hades said taking off his sunglasses.

Vaggie glared at him then her eye widened.

Harmony nodded. "Aunt Vaggie, Hades is my biological dad."

To prove it Hades and Harmony both flamed up their hair.

"You gave her up sixteen years ago why are you here?" Vaggie asked.

"Because I didn't give her up." Hades answered. "I didn't even know about her till a few days ago. My ex never told me she had a kid."

"So what do you want?" Vaggie asked.

"I wanted him to come here." Harmony assured her. "I want him to meet everyone. So dad, this is my aunt Vaggie."

"Nice to meet you, and I admire the spear." Hades told her.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now