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Hades can't stand the other villains but he was told that the VKs that were picked to go to Auradon were suppose to steal the wand. Key word suppose. He knew if his daughter was with him and he told her to steal the wand he would have. The fates made it very clear that Harmony was his and he would be proud of her. However he didn't trust those kids to pull through, everyone of their parents made it very clear that their kids are disappointments and he believes them. He's never seen those kids do anything evil. Even though he was sure those brats will fail he was also hoping they will succeed, he's not interested in getting revenge anymore, he just wants to meet his kid.

Hades turned on his own tv and watched what was going on in Auradon. He frowned in both disappointment and worry when he didn't see his daughter anywhere. Not outside, not in the castle, nowhere.

Hades watched the crown being placed on Ben's head. Fairy Godmother took her wand and started to bless him with it. Just as he said his vow the wand was taken from Fairy Godmother's hand but it wasn't one of the VKs that took it. It was Fairy Godmother's own daughter.

"Child what are you doing?!" Fairy Godmother demanded.

"If you won't make me beautiful I'll do it myself." Jane answered. "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo."

Hades felt the island start to shake, the barrier must have broke.

Meanwhile Mal got the wand from Jane and the VKs decided to stay good. Auradon made them all feel safe and happy so they decided to stay but the celebration was ruined when a green mist filled the room revealing Maleficent. "I'M BACK!!"
"Go away mother." Mal demanded.
Maleficent started laughing so hard she snorted. "She is so funny." She looked back at Mal. "You're very funny." Then her voice went serious. "Here, wand me, chop chop."

Mal was about to throw it to the Fairy Godmother but the sound of someone snapping their fingers was heard and the wand disappeared from her hand.

Everyone turned to see Hades was there with the wand in his hand. Hades removed his sunglasses and looked around the room.

"Hades." Maleficent grinned. "Glad you could join us, give me the wand."

"Shut up." Hades told her before walking pass the VKs and stood in front of Ben and his parents. "So? Where is she?" Hades looked around the room one more time before shouting. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!"

"Hades, I'm sorry but Harmony isn't here. She went back to Hell yesterday." Ben told him walking over.

"Son." Adam tried to stop him but Ben pulled away and walked over to Hades.

"You promised I would meet my daughter." Hades glared at him.

"Hades." Maleficent spoke up. "You have a daughter?"

"Apparently I do." Hades answered her. "One that was kept a secret from me, was born outside the barrier and SENT TO HELL!"

"She's taken care of, I promise." Ben assured him. "She's with her adopted family, just give Fairy Godmother her wand back and we'll talk about finding out a way to bring her back."

"No, Hades give me the wand and I'll use it. We'll bend good and evil and we'll use it to bring your daughter back. You can get revenge on who did you wrong." Maleficent tried to bribe.

"No one is getting the wand until I see my daughter." Hades told them. "Why isn't she here? Isn't she your friend or something?"

"ENOUGH!!" Maleficent screamed outraged as green smoke surrounded her. "You will all regret this!!" In that moment her dragon formed appear.

Before anyone could run or scream tentacles came out of the floor and wrapped themselves around Maleficent. Once wrapped around her mouth so she couldn't breathe fire, some wrapped around her wings and other grabbed her feet.

Everyone turned to the door to see Harmony was standing there but she looked different than before. Her eyes weren't eyes anymore they looked like static you see on TV and her smile was bigger than usual with very sharp looking fangs. One of her hands were raised and wiggled her fingers a bit before she curled her hand into a fist and swung it down slamming Maleficent to the floor. Walking over with her hands behind her back and humming in the silent room cause everyone was too shocked and too curious to see what she was going to do next she stopped right in front of Maleficent's face and snapped her fingers making Maleficent turn down to the size of love in her heart which was so tiny. Then just like that Harmony's creepy demon looking face went back to normal.

"Harmony!" Ben was the first to snap out of it as he ran over and hugged his partner. "You're ok."

"Yeah well I promised you I'd be here and I had to keep my word. Once this little party started I appeared here." Harmony shrugged. "Sorry about your mom Mal but she was kinda being a pain in the ass."

"Is she gonna be like that forever?" Mal asked.

Harmony shrugged. "Probably not, but if she did would that be so bad?" Something or someone then caught Harmony's attention. She let go of Ben and stared at Hades who was staring back at her.

She knew this was Hades her biological father. She didn't think he'd be here but here he was, she felt that feeling so got when she was in Hell, that feeling that brought her to Auradon. So what does she do? Hug him? Yell at him? Cry? She didn't know.

"Harmony." Ben said softly. "Meet Hades."

"Here." Hades gave Fairy Godmother back her wand without even looking away from Harmony. Just like Harmony he also didn't know what to do. 

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now