Richard's Bottom Line

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Laila angrily stomps her feet after going out of the house of her step son.

If only her son is older.
She gave birth to Robina even before her husband had a divorce. After the divorce, she had waited for 2 years before her husband married her to show his former wife his sincerity to apologize to her.

Of course she had to show that she is fine with it and that she is glad and happy. But deep inside she is very mad.
Why does she need to show sincerity toward the ex wife? They already cheated on her.

Then this oldest son, why is he so capable?
He didn't care about his father's business and built his own.
At first, she is glad that he didn't show interest in her husband's company.
Her husband's company can only be her daughter or her son's.

But his business is more successful than his father's.
And he became famous and more amazing as years went.

Their company had a lot of trouble and they needed Richard's help or the company would go bankrupt.

Richard gives his father a monthly allowance but that is not enough for the whole family.

Her son is only 16 years old.
He needs his father's company to be his starting point.
She doesn't want her son to start in a lower position like the other sons of her friends.
She should show that her son, unlike others are meant to be on top of the food chain.
Nobody can boss him around.

So in the back of her head, she really doesn't mind about this step son and only needs him for her son's sake.
Once her son starts working, he will become a person not even his step brother can compare to.

But right now, he is still a small boy that needs his family's care and love.
And in order to nurture him, they need Richard's help.

But that idiot even bought himself a wife.
So many women wanted to crawl on his bed and he had to choose someone like that gold digger?

She snorts.
'I should teach my son to be wise in picking a woman to get as a secretary. Or else he would not know when but she would just go and crawl on his bed.'

"Hello Dear...You would never know what that woman told me! I came to fix the problem between Red and his Aunt but that pretentious b**** send me away! How great is Richard's taste in women!"

"I told you to go there to apologize to April. Why did you start another fight?"
The man on the phone angrily shouted.

"What? Why would I lower myself to that fake? And did you see your daughter's face? How dare her hit my daughter!?"

"Laila! Do you really want to cut the only way for your son to get a good backer? Do you really want to make an enemy toward Richard?"

"Why are you mad at me? I came here to persuade my grandson. Yet that bitch is teaching him to get mad at us. She is brainwashing Red. Shouldn't you tell this to Richard?"

The man behind the call laughs.
"If she can brainwash Red then should you befriend her more? Something you and Robina failed to do. This outsider did it in just a short span of time?"

Laila choked.
"W-what? Are you blaming me? Your son never really liked me anyways. He never treated me kindly. Is it bad to try getting close to his son?"

"Am I blaming you? I am telling you that if I can tell your intention, how can Richard not be able to see it? Despite knowing, he never stopped you and Robina to come and watch over his son. It means he has given you two the opportunity if you can truly brainwash him. Yet what? You two are so obvious that even a small child won't buy your familial love. Hah! Go back home. You can't even see something so obvious. Let me handle this."

"Husband I---"

"Enough. Enough. I know you more than anyone in the world. I know what type of woman you are inside and out. You don't need to pretend to me."

Laila sighs.
"Okay. Okay. But you should give me some money. I am so angry right now. I need to calm myself."

"Fine. Use your card that same amount I usually gave you as an allowance."

"Thank you husband."

"Bring your whining daughter too. I would die hearing her piercing cry."



Ricardo sighs and throws his phone on his desk.

"Useless women."
He takes a deep breath and looks at his laptop.
He shakes his head.
Another red.
Why is it so hard to continue his business afloat?
Before his ex wife will help him and he always considers her meddling.
But after they divorce he realized how useless he was compared to his ex wife.
Well, he would never want to take her back anyways.

How would he stand how the people praise his wife while they keep telling how lucky he was for marrying her?
Not even one person thinks he is useful.
Looking down on his own effort.

He took the cell phone and called Richard's number.

"Hello son?"


"I just want to call you about your Auntie,"

"What about her?"

Ricardo sighs inside.
He never really understands this son of his.
He always gives him money, helps him, but he would never show any emotional attachment to him.
He always feels cold and detached.

But he doesn't really care.
Who would believe that after he grows up he would be more successful than him?

"Your Auntie went to your house and had a misunderstanding with your wife. I called to apologize for her."



"Dad, how many times would they're going to have a misunderstanding with my wife? If this goes on, it's better if they stop coming altogether. I still want to have a peaceful life after all."

"Wait....Don't say that Richard. Your Auntie and Robina are just concerned about you. They misunderstand your wife's intention and was worried for you and your son. They don't mean to go overboard."

"Dad, I have my bottom line."

Ricardo stops and takes a deep breath

"Okay. I know you are mad but how about I talk to her this time?"

".......Why are you all so interested about who I married? Whatever I own, it will never belong to anyone other than my son. So it's really hard to understand why you care so much about who I spend my money with."

Ricardo fell silent.
"That's...." but he missed the chance to deny Richard's claim.

"I am busy Dad. Talk to you later."

The call ended. This time, Ricardo really throws his phone on the floor. Shattering the fragile phone's screen.


Friday update is over.
I hope it is a but fun to read for you guys.

See you next Friday.
I hope it is not a let down.

Contract Wife : Mother's WishDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora