Gold Digger Part 2

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April made a mess so she shyly told them she is not feeling good and escape.

"Do you want to go with her tomorrow?" Richard asks his son.

Red nods.

"Do you like her?" Richard asks.

"Do you?" Red asks back.

Richard smiles and reach out to ruffle his head.
"As long as you like her."

"Hmm." Red smiles.

Richard is conflicted but didn't show it to his face.
Isn't too fast?
Does his son too easy to please?

That night Richard visits April room.
April who barely eat dinner sneaks out and got a huge feast in her table.
There is meat, bread, spreads and even carbonated drink.
Of course, how would she knows that Richard will go and see her?

Richard who had seen a lot of woman who wanted to win his affection, so many of them. But never does any of them sneaks at his kitchen to get food.
He accusingly look at April who looks away.
She can't be blame though.

"You use wine glass to drink carbonated drink?" he asks.

" is the ambiance." She pouts. She just want to feel what it feels like to have a wine glass okay. She is not fond of wine.

Richard wants to laugh but he held it in.
He is in a good mood but there is nothing showing in his face.

"Red wants to shop with you."

"Yeah. That brat even call me Mom. I am so shock." She said jokingly.

"It seems you know how to win his heart." He said.

"Oh? How about Boss heart?"she joke again.

Richard frowns.
April jokingly show her tongue saying she is just joking.

"Tomorrow, you two go and have fun. Use the same card I gave to you."

"Thank you."


"Good night husband. Sweet dreams." She said and kiss him in the cheek.

"hmm." Richard just reply in a hum but somehow his lips are curving up.


April wakes up in a good mood. What to buy? She is just teasing Red so she doesn't know that he will really insist of going out with her.
She is happy and think of those shoes she have to give up yesterday.

"Good morning sweetie." She barge in Red's room and hug the still sleeping Red.
Red flips and he heard April annoying teasing voice.
He blinks and angrily throw his pillow at her.
It has been so peaceful before. Red is flustered why she has to barge inside his room. Of course he is happy she is the first one he saw today but she always tease him and it irritates him too.
Richard's room and Red's room are maybe side by side but Richard's room have a very good sound proofing unless someone are shouting so loud he won't hear them.

"Master?" the butler ask the frowning Richard.

"Red is too noisy."
HE frowns.

The butler chuckles.
"It is weekends and the young master has no classes. Madam trick him to hurry cause he will be late so when he found out he is tricked he fought with her. Of course they are just tickling each other and not harming anyone." The butler laughs again. The two are like real mother and son and that make the butler happy.

Richard stands up and went next door.
The two are lying in bed breathing deeply as if very tired.
The two face are flushed red but they are both smiling.

"You two are so noisy." He said not to reprimand them but somehow he felt that they are excluding him.

April sit up and smile at him.
"Husband, good morning. Do you want coffee?"

Richard smiles at her.
"Good morning Wife."

April is already blushing but she feels her cheeks heated more.

"Dad! Good morning."
Red said and gone to hug his father's leg.
"He is mine. Blee." He said sticking his tongue.

April smiles teasingly.
"Oh.But he is more mine."

Red looks displeased and hug tighter.
"No! He is more more mine."

"This childish brat. He is mine I tell you."
April cross her arms and continue.

"Dad!" Red angry at April and look at Richard.
Richard has a complicated expression but he is blushing a bit.
Who are these two to involve him?

"Dad, you are Red's dad only right?"

"Of course." He said and carry Red in his arms.

Red triumphantly sneers at April who is shaking as she hides her laughter.

"But husband, aren't you April's one and only husband?"

That came out as a joke but Richard also feels like she looks seductive in a way.
April flushed red when Richard looks at her seriously.
She wanted to change the topic to make it less awkward but Red's stomach grumble.

April laughs.
"The baby is hungry. Mommy will feed my baby chick some worms." She said and stands up to walk to the dining area.

"Dad put me down." Red said and hurry to follow April.
"Hey! I don't eat worms!" he said retorting the two talks and laugh the way to the dining area but Richard stays where he was calming his heart.

When he arrive at the dining area the awkward tension is no where to be found.

"Husband, Do you want us to come to you at lunch? We should eat together. The three of us."

"Yes, dad. Let's eat together." Red excitedly said.

Richard smiles.
The butler step forward.
"Master, your secretary called reminding you about your meeting with the investors at 11 am." The heart broken butler doesn't want to ruin the mood but he will be more heart broken if the young master will have expectations only to be rejected.

April understand that it is impossible to have lunch. She is not feeling bad that she is the one who suggested it but she feels bad for the kid who suddenly looks like someone took away his toy.

Richard knows he can't blame the butler but he still glares at him.

"It is fine. How about you come and meet my parents? You will like them." April said and stares at the kid that forcing himself not to cry.

"Will they like me? I am not your real son."

"But you are my real son."

"You are lying! Someone else gave birth to me!"

"So? Does that means I can't be your mother if I didn't gave birth to you?"

The child is confuse.
"So...I can really be your son?"

"Of course. Okay. That is settled. You will go with me and meet your grandparents." She laughs a bit.

Red face blush and he smiles.

Richard once again feels that they exclude him. And it is not very pleasant feeling.

Why is the step son meeting the in laws first?

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