Cruel Richard

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April was woke up by a tap with a shake in her arm.

"2 more minutes."

Red sighs and looks at Richard.
Richard is fixing his tie and smiles at his at lost son.

"Wife, wake up."

April slowly opens her eyes and stares at Red.

" shrunk."

Richard smiles and kisses her forehead.
"Wake up sleepy head."

April gasps and looks at her back.
Richard is as handsome as she remembers.
Then she looks at Red.
"You will grow up like that." She said and pointed at Richard.
"Poor girls."

"Dad, Mom is sleep-talking?" Red frowns. April doesn't make sense.

Richard smiles.

April sluggishly sits up and rubs her eyes.
She stretches her arms.
Her eyes look at the two big and small Richard.
"Eh? Am I dreaming?"

Red frowns.
"Hurry! We are eating outside."

"Oh? So it's Red." She said and hugs him.
"Good morning brat."

"Urgh!" Red pouts.

Richard smiles and rubs her hair.
"We are going to be late."

"Eh? Ha? Are we going somewhere?"
April tilts her head.

"It seems you are not listening before you sleep?" Richard shakes his head.
"We are eating outside, then goes to the amusement park to play."

April frowns.
"How are you supposed to go to an amusement park with formal attire? My husband.....You...."

"We are going back before going to an amusement park! Are you thinking we will go straight there?" Red asks and climbs the bed to tap at April's head.
"Nope. No fever." He said.

April blinks and then blushes.
"What? What am I saying? Sorry. I am like this when I wake up." She scratches her head.

Richard chuckles.
"It's fine so hurry. Maybe we should go to a mall and buy a change of clothes there as we shop."

April eyes sparkles.
"Husband is a genius! Walking and shopping can help digestion! I will be ready in a minute!"

Red pouts.
"How is that humanly possible?"


Three beautiful people walk to the restaurant. They were led to their private room.
After ordering and getting their food served the three start eating.

"How's the construction?" April asks.

"It's going well. I don't need to stay for long but you two will have to go back earlier. It won't be good to let Red to be absent in school all the time." Richard said.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. We will go back on Sunday so we still can play for another day."April said and pats Red's hair.

"Good." Richard smiles and drinks a wine.
His eyes wander to April's dress.
She really has good taste for her outfits.
She always wore conservative clothes in the company so he never knew until now.
That dress looks like a fan service in a film.
Always garner her a second glance from all the men she walked pass through.
Somehow it gives him satisfaction and dissatisfaction at the same time.

"Husband, I researched that the mall here is really nice. Where will we go?"
She asks with an expectant smile.

"Wherever you want." He looks at his food and eats a slice of meat.

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