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April was bored at home.
She thought online shopping will keep her occupied but if she cant fit in the dress how would she know if its really what she wants?
There are times she thinks a dress will be beautiful if she wears it but when she tries it on she doesnt feel the same excitement as she first thought.

Dress should be bought personally. Shoes too.
She can still buy bags online but its too expensive and she needs to make sure she doesnt over spend within her budget or Richard might feel dissatisfied with her.

Her performance was a passed for now and Richard seems closer to her than in her dream.

"Ah." April had a grin.
"I know." She taps on her social media account and she change her status to married.
She ofcourse put her husband's name.
It needed Richard approval but she is not worried.
Richard doesnt hide his relationship with her in the dream and she expects him not to do that in this life.
She can freely use the Argos name if its just for publicity.
Ofcourse there's downside but its more beneficial for her.
She thought of it a long time ago.
If she can't act... can't she become a model?
She is tall.
She is beautiful.
What is the requirement to become a model? Doesnt she have it?

April is not confident in a lot of aspect but on her appearance, she never doubted herself.

Calling three maids to help her out. They made a photo shoot in the house.

Five dresses.
Five location. Except bedrooms. Richard openly told his relative that April is a contract wife but unrelated people doesnt need to know.

The butler also help  in the pictorial.
"Should I call for photographers if Madame wants to?"

April gapes. "That's possible?"

"Ofcourse. Master will be at eased if professional handles his wife's pictures."

"Good. Good. Call them. Why didnt I think of that?" April shrugged her shoulder. She doesnt know that her making a pictorial on a whim needed a real photographer to shoot. She is just eating some fruits on her heels in the poolside when people come and set up the equipment they bought.

There are seven people and April can't help but laugh a bit.
This is the life of wealthy people?
She is a bit embarrassed but also relieved.

"I want to post some pictures in my social media account. Will you help me?" She smiles.

The group of photographers almost throw down their equipments.
Just for social media account post?

They all look at the butler but he just smiles.
"Madame is wise. Its good to ask experts. Social media now is like someone's face. If you want to give a good impression, you have to make yourself presentable in any ways."

April claps
"True. True."

They all starts the 'pictorial'.

"Maam, you are so beautiful." One photographer exclaims.

April blushes and smiles even more.

The photographer grips on his camera even more.
He had seen beautiful women in his career but April really is too beautiful.

April wants to laugh.
She knows she is beautiful.
Or why else will she be here as Mrs.Argos? Its all thanks to her looks.

"Just someone married to rich man." Some nasty man rolls his eyes in the corner.

April didnt hear him but the butler did.
He immediately call the group leader and the man was instantly sent away.

April didnt notice the photographer change in mood as they all become more patient with April.
April didnt care and ended her photo shoot.
She is so exhausted and wonder if she should really pursue modelling after her divorce.

Red arrived home early and see the photographers leaving.

April is still wearing her dress and relaxing on the sofa.

"Why do you look like that?" Red asks.

April smiles.

"Look at my pictures. I worked hard in doing pictorial today. I sent them to your Dad but I havent heard a reply yet so Im not sure what I should use. How about you pick for me?" She said.

Red hands his bad to the maid and sat next to April. He looks at the pictures and frowns.
"These are too vulgar! You cant use any of them."

April laughs.
"How childish. This is not even under the sexy category." She grins. "Look at this green dress. My hips look sexy on this one right?"

Red blushes but he glares at April.
"Look at your leg!! How can a dress slit go up to her butt!"

"That highlights my long milky white leg right." She also nods.
Though she said its not a sexy pictorial, she is so sexy the dress can't hide it what can she do? She is feeling good in her self when Red shakes her head.

"Rejected." Red seriously said.

April snorts.
"Brat, its because you are too young, you dont understand fashion."

"But dad agrees with me."
Red sneers and shows Richard reply on Red's text.

Dad : Everything is rejected.

April frowns. One of the dress she already used it as the boss date to a party before and the boss even said it looks good on her.

"Richard....are you really not poisoned by Dad's cooking?" She asks the innocent phone.

Red sneers.
How can he and his father allows such scandalous and beautiful picture of his mother circulate in the world?
Isnt it enough to make it as the decoration in their house? Red nods his head at his idea.

'I should ask the butler to buy a picture frame.' Red thinks carefully. There is a huge picture framed picture of his father and mother in their wedding dress in the entrance of their house.
He looks at  April and hold her hand.

"Hm? What's wrong?" April asks.

"Do you want to put it in the entrance too? Your picture?"

April shakes her head.
"Even I know its inappropriate to put these kind of picture on the front door." April shakes her head.

Red looks down thinking that April and his Dad doesn't have a proper wedding photo.
"You should remarry Dad."

April didnt hear him because she is busy texting Richard.

Red sighs and think he should call his Dad.
This is not right.
April will always have a  thought of leaving them soon if this contract dont disappear.
Still he doesnt know what his father will say.

April looks at sighing Red.
"Okay. I wont post it. Why are you sighing like that?" April hugs Red head.
"Im so bored. Tell me what to do inside this house?"

Red only think of finishing his assignment and reading book after.
"How about we play some video game?"

"Video game is bad for you. What if you got addicted?" April shakes her head.

Red pouts.
"Then I dont know."

April smiles.
"Do you know Dama?"


April has never lost in dama before.


Dama is filipino checker.
I am good with dama. In chess... Ah.. I win 1/5 games with my cousin hahahah.

Contract Wife : Mother's WishOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz