That side Of Her

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The barangay Chairman office door open and shut loudly.

The Chairman snorts while chewing his gum.

"Clemente! Trinidad! You two family again?"

April is looking down while her hair is still a bit messy.
Behind her is a block of ice that is also known as Richard.
Her mother immediately slams the table.

"Chairman, you know our family, you know how often this happens before. Those people are so sick in the head and try to hurt my precious daughter!"

April looks at the chairman pitifully.
This is also why she didn't fix her hair or who would believe that she is innocent if she looks tidy?

Maya's mother also slams the table.
"Chairman, this is not true. That vixen is seducing my daughter's husband. This is not proper. She is already married but look how she is? So immoral!"

"B***h!" April Mom cursed and stand up to fight them the Chairman slams the table.

"I haven't said anything yet and you wanted to start another round of fight? In this very office? Again?"
The chairman shouted.

"This is too much. How am I seducing someone I rejected before? Am I stupid?" April sniffs and rubs her eyes

Fredo flinched and looks down feeling sorry for himself.
He wanted to say something but Maya stops him. She grabs his hand and put it on her belly.
Fredo stops his movement and swallow whatever he wanted to say.

April sneers inside.

"My wife is seducing who?"

While the Chairman is calming the two mother's in dead lock.
A man they ignore bet consciously suddenly speaks.

They all look at Richard who looks like a background model instead of really being here with them.

April cursed inside her heart.
Richard never likes a woman who fights here and there.
He likes a more prim and proper type.
She wonder if she will be signing a divorce paper once this is all over.

She can already kiss goodbye to a glorious future she is trying to create.
How pitiful she was.

"Are you implying that my wife will choose someone else over me, her own husband?" Richard said with a matter of factly tone.

They all stares at him.

Maya angrily bites her lower lip.

'This is April's husband? Why is she so lucky?'

Richard doesn't need to brag about his wealth, ability or looks.
If one is not sick in the head, who would cheat him?
Who will dare do that?
But his head burns the image of his wife's waist tightly wrap in another man's arms.
It pisses him off that he almost wish to kill this guy.

His eyes wander to Fredo.
This guy is his enemy.
There is no question ask or explanation needed.

If he is in a relationship with the other woman then he should avoid his wife.
Why is April going to carry the 'slut card' just because they are talking and the other guy confessed before to April?

If he knows his wife doesn't like April and being seen talking to April will cause a fight, should he just stop himself from approaching April?
Since he has the annoying and suspicious partner it is his obligation too so any fight will not sprout or start.

But he just stand there and wait for things to escalate?

And on top of that, the one he laid his hand is April and not his own partner?
This sick guy is still pretending he is innocent and kind makes one person feel sick just staring at him.

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