Dreamer Part 3

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Red is typing in his laptop when someone knock on his door. Red is 7 years old and he is not the typical child. His father raise him well but in a business mannerly way. He long ago stops acting like a child and have a demeanor like his father. Coldness and indifference. Today is the day his step mother will come to their house.
He pouts. His father is smart most of the time but he is also unreasonable.
His grandmother pester his father to go to his grandmother's arrange blind date saying it will be good for Red to have a mother so he should find someone to marry. Every single night that they will eat with his grandmother she will pester his dad. One day eating breakfast his father told him he signed a contract and a woman will be his mother from now on. He has an indifferent face but deep inside he is scolding his father. He doesn't have to be this unreasonable!
And a new mother? If that woman will even think of him as a cute boy will be enough for a harmonious life but that is impossible. Red is aware how a new wife will hate the old children of their husband. From the past till now there are few cases that a step mother will ever love their step sons.
He sigh and stands up.
He needs to face this new mother sooner or later.

April didn't barge in and just patiently waited outside Red's room.
In her dream, she did the same.
When Red open the room she is shocked how accurate her dream was. It is really the same Red.
She lived with this indifferent child for 5 years and eventually push him down the stairs. This child might be cold but he is extremely cute. In the dream she thought so too but his words hurt her a lot of times making her feel enmity against him and lost interest in his cuteness.
But now she has an enlightenment. He is just a child and a woman his father don't even love barge in in his life. Of course he doesn't like her. Now she wants to understand him rather than hate him.

"Hi. I am April. I will be your new mommy." She smiles.

"You don't have to pretend in front of me while dad is away. I know that you only married dad for money." The child said in all seriousness.

April has a shocked face again.
The dream, it is exactly the same. Now she is worried that it is not actually a dream. Could it be she time travel instead?
But before she worries about that she needs to face this uncute child.
She ruffles his head.
"Yes. I am your contractual mother. Do you hate me for that?"

In her dream she flip out. What irritates her the most is that he repeatedly told her that she is just here for money and she is just a family member in paper and name only.
But now she doesn't have any device or plan to be really part of their family so whatever he said wont hurt her.
She is like that. She always knows her priorities.
What she want is that 50 million.

Red blushes and he knows he out spoken. He just wanted to see her reaction. If she lash out on him he is prepared to lash out on her too but this woman is not angry so he doesn't know what to say.
He shakes his head.

"How cute. So Red likes mommy?"

"You are not my mommy and I..I don't like you."

"But I am your mother now. So I am your Mommy."

"My mommy...my mommy is not you."

"Then call me mother. I am not your mommy but I can be your mother."

"That is the same."
Red frowns.

April wants to laugh but she knows that it is wrong to agitate him.
"Mommy is your blood mother right? But since your father married me. As long as we are married I am your mother. I will be hurt if Red call me Mrs. Argos, right?"

Red looks at the woman who unknowingly has sat to match his height and smiling gently at him.

"No. I don't want to call you, mother." He said and push her.
She lost balance and her butt touch the ground. Red is shock and so does April. The brat looks very startled and confuse as he slammed the door firmly.

April on the other hand laughs loudly. The maids who saw what happen looks weirdly at April.
They all think how can she still laugh?
April on the other hand thinks that Red is cute. In her dream he always wins against her in two to three sentences and she will be very mad and it will spoil her mood all day. But seeing now, Red is not as indifferent as he make is shows. He is just a brat after all, he also get startled, he went silent, confuse and he also blush.
April thinks that having such a cute instant son is also good for her amusement.
She will work harder to get his approval. How cool will it be if Red finally call her Mother?
She become expectant.
The butler who is handling all the household seen that satisfied smile in April's face as she continue knocking in the young master's door. For a moment his heart swell and he wanted to cry. The young master Red always act as an adult and doesn't seem like a child but only a few minutes and this new madam already made the young master act his age. He promise to support the new madam in the future.

"Red, come on, let mother see your room." April said continue knocking with a blissful smile who finally found the most amusing thing in the world.

Red on the other hand is flustered.
"Shut up! Leave me alone. Ugly! You ugly woman."

"Oh my. Mother is sad. Baby hates mother because she is ugly?"

"........" Red just saying words to hurt her so when she said she is hurt why is she sounded more like teasing him?

"If mother become pretty will Red call me mother?"

Red blushes inside his room. He knows that that woman is actually pretty. So if he says yes, isn't that like making a joke out of him.

"Leave me alone!"
Red shouted.

April frowns.
Teasing Red Is good and fun but if he starts hating her it won't be good.

"Okay. I am sorry. Don't be too mad. I will leave now. But remember to eat with me later, okay?"

Red didn't answer her.
But April really leaves.
He is ashamed of himself for lashing out at her.
He just didn't know how to handle her. He thought she won't like him and prepare himself so he was caught off guard when she treated him like this. He frowns.

"Mo...mother...Mother.." his face flushed. He never call anyone mother since he learn how to speak. How is he able to say mother to someone he just met?
He angrily pout.
It is all his father's fault.

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