Son's Wish 1

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Seeing that the women are ignoring him and that April is in a unfavorable situation Red panics.
Why are these women always came here when his father is away?
If only his father is here...

Thinking that he reach for his phone and dial.

"Hey. Let me go." April frowns.
Fake or not, this is her house temporarily. If she let them walk all over her then she rather divorce now.
She only agree to continue this for benefits. She shouldn't maltreated herself.

"Hmp. I will let go if you kneel down and kiss my feet." Robina snickers.

"Okay. Let go and I will do what you want." She said.

Robina and Sunshine's eyes flash.
Robina let her go and then put her two hands to her waist with a smirk waiting for her to kneel.

She smiles wryly.
Step back and grab Red's arm.
"Let's go." Who will kneel down? Are you an idiot?

"Hey! You think I will let you---"


"Ekkk!!" Sunshine screams when Robina fell to the ground.

It sounded like a slap but April actually punch Robina with her right fist with all her might.
The girl was TKO in an instant and there is blood on the edge of her lips.

April feels so energized so she smiles like a blooming flower.
"I learned shadow boxing too." She said and flip her hair.
She already won't care if this will cost her divorce.
That woman act like a certified fool so she deserves it.

Red is looking at her with a mouth wide gaping.
His eyes are widen and can't believe what happen.

When they reach her bedroom she locked it and heave a sigh.

"That scared me." April said.

"That! That scared me!" Red angrily second.

"Isn't she? Your auntie is really a bag of disaster!" April said and hug Red. "Comfort my broken heart. Tonight might be the last time we can be mother and son."

"W-what? Y-you are leaving me?" Red forgot to struggle and he looks even more hurt than shock.

April giggles and kiss his cheek.
"It's been short but I had fun. Next time you see me, call me Auntie ,okay?"

"No!" Red said and freed himself from April.


"Y-you...You...You are leaving? Because of what happened?"

"Hey. I am...Listen."

"No! I won't listen to a liar! You are a liar!"


The little boy run away. She doesn't even have chance to explain.
Well, how can she really explain? Red is smart. He should know that she is not a real madame here. She is not love by the boss. But she dare punch her employer's sister. They said blood is thicker than water.
How can the boss allow her to stay?

She feel gloomy.
"Maybe...I should have kneel. Licking her shoe is out of the question but kneeling is quite easy.Wait. I shouldn't be thinking about that...Will the boss....Blacklisted me again? Maybe not? Please be generous and don't blacklisted me. I want to find another secretarial job."
There is a sigh after.
She really want to follow Red and tell him that she won't leave. But she shouldn't lie to the kid.

After Red called him, Richard send his right hand man, Odyssey.
Odyssey is not just a right hand man but also his most trusted friend.

Odyssey smiles seeing the devastated Robina and the sobbing Sunshine, who is very skilled of weeping without dropping a single tear.
The two slander April over and over again.
He smiles all the time listening to them and nodding his head from time to time.

"You should tell my brother to divorce her immediately. No class. No manners!" Robina angrily grumble.

"She won't be a good example to Red." Sunshine shyly added.

"Right! Do you even know? That woman is teaching my nephew to go against me!"
Robina continued.

Odyssey looks startled then nod his head, listening.
But he is actually just playing along.
When did Red ever care about you? He wants to say.
Red is smart. He won't be easily coax or be influence. Do not think everybody is stupid.

"I understand. You two should go first. I will talk to Red and Mrs.April."

"Hmp. She is not a real madame but thinks so highly of herself. You go and reprimand her. She should know her place!"

"You too."

The smile in Robina and Sunshine froze.
They both look at Odyssey's smiling face and smile.
They might just be hearing things.
It's impossible to Odyssey to say something so cold toward them. A gentleman like him.

"We will go now. I have to visit my doctor. What if my face become ugly because of that winch! Seriously, why did brother choose such barbaric woman."
Robina can't stop her mouth.

After leaving Odyssey drop his smile and sigh.

"I don't really want to handle your sticky problem, Richard. You better pay me a bonus." He listen to a nonsense for an hour. His job is not that easy and never rewarding.

He walks upstair.

Knock. Knock.


"Red, it's me, Uncle Odyssey."

".......I don't want to see you."

"Let me in. Do not shut me out."
Odyssey have a wry smile.
If Red refuse to meet him then it's mean he really is in an awful mood.
The brat is sensitive and he always on guard to people malicious to him. Opening his heart was so hard even for him who see him growing up.

"....will dad...Will he.."


"Will he divorce--"
There is a choking sound at the end and Red was unable to finish his sentence.

Odyssey is shock.
April just been in this house no more than a week and she already won this brat?

"Uncle Odyssey is hurt. I am with you growing up but you are now that close to your temporary mother for just a week?"

"Do--Do not call her temporary!"

Odyssey once again feel choked.
He twisted the knob and find out it is not closed. He enters and see the brat covered with pillow and blanket sitting in the middle of the bed crying.

"My dear," Odyssey feel very sad seeing him like this.
He sure wish he acts his age and be childish a bit more but not him crying. He looks so pitiful he sit on the bed and hugs him.
Red went and hug him too. The brat cry and choke and cry in his bossom.

Odyssey is in an awful mood.
He knocks on the door.
When April open she look who is it and blinks.
Why is Odyssey the big boss's right hand man here?

Odysset wants to reprimand April but seeing her equally reddened eyes and nose he took a deep breath and rubs her head.

April was shock and confuse.
Odyssey just went away like that after rubbing her head?
What's that means?

"Hello?" Richard answers.

"You better take good care of your wife and son! They are getting bullied inside their own house! I tell you. If you cannot take care of them, bring them to me and I will take care of them!" Odyssey angrily shouted.

Richard has a gloomy expression.Everyone in the office flinch.
Richard said only one thing..."Die." And he turn off the phone and continue the meeting. The staffs are all rigid and stiff. Richard is scary.


I am weak to praises.
Thank you for reading♡♡♡♡♡

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