My New Family Part 2

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Before going to bed April called her Mother and Father. She told her about how her husband praise her work before and about the willful son she got. Her mother and father wish her well and told her to visit once in a while. After that she fell asleep in her room. Because of the dream she had she doesn’t feel that this room is new. Actually she feel comfortable.

Early in the next morning she wakes up and wear another long cotton shirt but now a maong short. She wants to send Red to school today. She prepare a sandwich in the kitchen while the kitchen stuff prepare for breakfast.

The maids all worry about April but they are afraid to talk to her. They doesn’t want the new madam to get mad but they want to tell her that the young master never bring pack lunch or sandwich to school.
Of course, thanks to her dream she also knows that but she is not preparing the sandwich for Red. She will need it for something.

“Husband, good morning.”
Richard learn from the butler that his wife woke up early and been busy in the kitchen for Red. He appreciates her  effort and decided to increase the monthly allowance for her.
“Good Morning.” He said and lead her to the table.
Red is also just arrive.
“Good Morning, Little Red.”

“Good morning.” Red looks at April but he didn’t act harshly like yesterday.

“I prepare a sandwich for you.” She said raising it. “It’s my special sandwich.” She said. She really put extra care about it. It is an essential tool later.

Red pouts.
“I don’t bring lunch at school. The school provide us food to eat.” He said not insulting her but only informing her. He knows that she doesn’t know so he is a bit happy inside. He is just as awkward as his father and refuse to show that he is happy.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” She said with a smile. She puts the sandwich to her side. It is not actually for Red. She knows he won’t accept it.
Richard who is sneaking glances at her thought she will ask him.
But as she knows, Richard is very picky with food. She knows that for 2 years of being together as boss and employee. So she will never thought that Richard will be interested with her home made sandwich.

“I will go now.” Richard said after eating breakfast. He still have a coveted glance to her sandwich but April is not aware so she kiss his cheek and wave him a goodbye.

He sigh and nod. Red kisses him and he then turn away.

Red looks at the happy April waving goodbye.

“Are you really sending me to school?”
He asks because his father is now away. She can now act the way she wants.
April blinks and realize Red’s emotion.
She sits down so their eyes will meet and she ruffle his head.
“Silly boy, I do want to be close with you. Let me be selfish okay?”

Red flushed red and he pout looking away.
But he is happy that she is making effort to get close to him even if his father is not around.

When they arrive in the school, April remove her glasses. It is an imitation glasses but with her demeanor and good looks it looks expensive.
Red pouts.
“You just wear it and the moment we get down the car you remove it?”

“Shhh..That is fashion. Do not talk too much brat.” She said. They had a good chat in the car and now they are more closer.
Red shakes his head.
He realize that the glasses is a poor imitation so he asks. April didn’t deny it and so she said that she can wear it without exposing that it is an imitation. So she only wear it for a couple of seconds.
This woman is hilarious but Red also likes her carefree nature.

He doesn’t know that he is smiling more often.
Though he doesn’t notice. The uncle driver notice and he is happy that a child finally act as a child.

“You seat here?” she asks.
She looks around. She wanted to find someone that looks reliable.
She never went in this school in her dream so she doesn’t know which is which but there is a boy with the same aura as Red. Quiet and cold. She went next to him and ask the girl sitting their if she can change seat with Red.

Red is shocked. The girl agreed because she doesn’t like her gloomy seatmate.

“Why? The teacher will not agree.” Red said.

“I will talk to her.” She said and ask Red to sit down.
Red frowns but he said nothing. It doesn’t matter where he seats anyways.

“Good classmate. I am Red's new Mother. Is it okay if you two become friends?”

Red face flushed.
The gloomy kid raise his eyes away from the book he is reading and look at April.
“I…” he is not use to talking so he doesn’t know what to say.

“Do not mind him, Lucas. She is just joking.” Red hurriedly said with a red face.

The boy called Lucas raise his eyes and look at Red.
“You know me?” he asks.

Of course he knows Red but he doesn’t know that Red knows him.
He is not the smartest and he is slow.
He thought everyone hates him and refuse to be his seatmate.

“Of course I know you. You are very good in math. You almost beat me.” Red said.

The boy called Lucas flushed.
“I…I know you too…You…You are smart and very fast.”

“O my. My son is so capable.” April is happy that the two is surprisingly compatible.
Red blushed and say nothing.
She gave Lucas the sandwich.
“Lucas, I made a sandwich for Red but he doesn’t like it. Can you help my little Red to eat this?”

Lucas look at Red who is pulling April blushingly. Then he looks at April smiling face. Quietly he reach the sandwich and nod.
“Red is my friend so…I will help him.” He said blushing too.
Red pouts.
“T-there are two sandwiches so…I will help you too so you can still eat lunch.” He said.

Lucas nods.

“We are friend so…so we help each other.” Red continued.

It is not just Lucas. Red is also having a hard time making friends because he is sensitive with people’s agenda when befriending him. Red finds Lucas nice and Lucas is kind.

April talks to the teacher for a while.
“My son is having problem making friends so I hope teacher will help them and let them change their seat.”

“I am impressed for your concern about Red and Lucas, Mrs. Argos. Of course I will help. Not only education ,the school want to help promote a healthy environment for kids to boost their self awareness and confidence, after all.”

April feel accomplished so she went to the company to tell Richard what happen.

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