Dreamer Part 1

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Tak. Tak. Tak.
The sound of her heels in the cold slippery tiles are like the rhythm in her heart.
How could she not feel elated?
After working hard in this company for 2 years all she dream is to marry a handsome rich man who will provide for her family needs and her own needs.
She is very beautiful and a lot of scouts has tried recruiting her. She never responded even once. She knows her strength and misgivings. Besides from working hard she has no other redeeming quality. Show business is good at first glance but later on they will realize her incompetence and they will not appreciate her anymore. She also knows that show business has no privacy. She who grows up in a squatter's area will only gain ten percent of praise and ninety percent of insult and doubt. She never likes people telling her what to do and hates when people ask too much personal stuffs from her. She always act approachable as the boss secretary and cold toward other things.
She gain a lot of suitors due to her work status as the CEO's Secretary and her connections toward those bachelor's makes her smile at night. She wanted love of course but she needed money more. She always think of the pro and cons of the situation.
If the man's family is too prestigious she knows that it will not be good and decline. So far she only got three relationship with those high end young masters. When she feels that it is getting no where she ended the relationship. She wanted to use them but she doesn't want to be used especially her body. She maintain a pure and virgin body for that special man in the future. She doesn't want a mishap afterall.

So far, her whole two years of working with the Boss are good. He rarely ask her to accompany him to the meetings, even if she is there she will only carrying his stuff and handing him what he wants. In short, she is more of a personal assistant. She doesn't mind. Her boss is a perfectionist and he, for a long time, lost human trust so if he wants thing to be done he do it in his way.
Her co workers always complain that she is treated like she is stupid but she always feel blessed that she doesn't have to use her head for this work. She might be pretty but she is not smart.

What made her excited is after 2 years of their relationship as Boss and secretary, the boss actually ask her marriage. She was shocked beyond her mind.
The boss looks at her, in her memory it is the first time he ever did, and ask her to marry him.
She never attempted to get the boss affection and love. For the reason that he is unattainable.
But to her surprise it is the other way around?

Of course the boss said that it is a contract marriage and she will sign a pre nuptial agreement. Also he emphasized that he doesn't love her. And he is only doing this to gain his son a mother who will help him. It appears the boss mother is pestering him about it.
She only hear what she wants to hear and toss the other things away. She agreed. Though they were husband and wife in name only he insist that she have to fulfill the role of a wife and a mother.
That role is to be able to let him bed her and to be able to become a good mother. The contract says that he will give her 50 million if he cancelled their contract but if she cancelled it she will have to go with nothing.
It is unfair but the boss has confidence that anyone he ask will agree. And he was right.

April agreed.
That night April had the longest dream in her whole life. It consist of 5 years worth of life span.
She entered the Boss house as the new madam. At first she thought that she had control about everything, she can satisfy her husband. But her husband never come to her. In anger she see her 'son'. At first she thought to curry favor from him and to gain his trust but the child is reserve and he refuse to talk. She thought that the child is looking down on her and the anger rose from her. She tried a lot of small things to bully him. Whispering nasty things and destroying his toys. The child never cry making her angry even more. When she succeeded in bedding the boss. She actually use a time when he is heavily drunk and try to squeeze her way in to his bedroom. When they finally consummate their wedding she thought that she will finally improve her life style. She boss everyone around even more . But later she found out that she is not pregnant. In her anger she push the boy in stairs. He fell but only gain minor injuries. The boss kicked her out. In terms of contract he should have to pay her but not even a cent has been given. She was blackened in the news. Blacklisted. Her life has been in roller coaster and she has no choice but to go back to her parents. Live a life worse than before. She can not work in some company because of her ex husband's influence. She have to work twice just to come by. She feel so tired everyday. When she remember how comfortable her life in the mansion she always feel so suffocated and self blame herself for being greedy.
If only she can turn back time. She will not ask for something she shouldn't ask. And will not ask for a love that is hopeless.
She admitted that she wanted to use the boss but she also have to admit that she love him. His indifference, his coldness and his handsome face. If she has only retain her indifference way back as the boss secretary she will not fall so hard.
Tears fell her eyes but nothing could be done.

When she wakes up she has to slap her own face to let the realization to sink in.

Not yet....
She is back.

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