Party! #3

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Disclaimer: See, it's a kind of a long story. In short, I went to Uncle Rick's house. We talked, we laughed, we threatened, we pulled out guns......

I kinda kidnapped him......

His new book might take a while....


Nico's POV

Gods this party would never end.

He had been engulfed by several Aphrodite girls- and guys- had kissed everywhere.


He went to Fireworks beach to cool off. It was a lovely night, as if Zeus was actually being nice. He closed his eyes, taking the tranquility of the silence.

"Nico di Angelo, il mio amore."

He opened his eyes as Aphrodite cupped his face and kissed his cheeks. Once she was a fair haired woman with violent eyes, next she was a raven haired queen with gold eyes, then she was a brown skinned woman with ever changing eyes much like her daughter. No matter what form she took, she was beautiful. "Lady Aphrodite." He nodded respectively. She smiled.

"You cannot believe how excited I was when I learnt of your suitors dueling for your attention,

I mean, how romantic! Personally-"

"Suitors?" Nico raised an eyebrow. Aphrodite stared at him. She shook her head.

"My darling, are you truly oblivious to the affections of Percy, Jason and Will Solace?"

Nico's breath caught. All three of them? Aphrodite tilted her head, bronze curls cascading down a shoulder. A mischievous smirk adorned her face. "If you don't know, and the boys don't know about their farthers then..." She gave a squeal and dispersed into thin air.

Nico stared for a while, shook his head and left for the party.


Sorry this is just a filler chapter. I can't actually do stuff for a long time so I'm begging you lovely people to bear with me. I'm going through a hard time and my baby brother did something to my tablet so it doesn't load fully. So I can't actually use Wattpad on my tablet. Does anyone here listen to: Evanescence; Fall Out Boy; Skillet; Green Day; Hollywood Undead; Panic! At The Disco; Florence and the machine; Marina and the Diamonds; Lana Del Rey? Is anyone a fan of creepypasta?

And huge thanks to _waiting_writer_ for putting up with my procrastination. Go follow her because she's awesome!


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