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Disclaimer: HA! Day I own HoO is the day my brother learns to wash his own clothes.

Nico's POV

He didn't mean to see the Stolls both shirtless.

Summer was making itself known by bringing blazing heat and cloudless skies. Most campers had opted for ice cream on Fireworks beach and make most of Demeter's euphoria of having her daughter back. Even Dionsyus was content for once.

The sun was harsh on Nico's pale skin, while giving it back it's lost olive colour it also started to burn slightly. "Nico!" Lacy waved at him from under a tree. She beckoned him over. "If you're looking for shade, there's some better ones over by there." She pointed to the left side of the beach. Nico gave a nod and trudged off.

It was cooler here. And quiet. Very, very quiet...

"Think fast di Angelo!"

Trusting his instincts, he dived backwards, just barely missing the wave of water that was meant for him. Though a large quantity managed to land on his head. He shook it angrily. "Percy Jackson, I swear to the gods-"
"What's he done now?"

Both Travis and Connor Stoll peered down at him. Both grinning mischievous smiles. "You as- hmph!"
Connor held a hand over his mouth. "Tut tut, it's rude to curse." Nico rolled his eyes at them. He bit lightly at Connor's hand, making the boy yelp in suprise and let go. "What are yous doing here anyway?"
Travis shrugged. "We got bored."
"And wanted to do something we haven't done in a long time." Connor said.
Nico looked at them both. "And that is?"
Travis and Connor slipped off their shirts.

"Skinny dipping."

Nico stared at them both. "There are people on the beach..."
"Which is why we came here. It's private."
Then both their arms entwined around his body. Travis's hand slipped under his shirt and traced patterns on his stomach. "You're welcome to join us if you like."
Nico blushed. "I- have something to do with Piper."

And with that, he bolted.

"Dammit," said Travis, looking disappointed, "I thought we had him this time." Connor sighed.

"Next time, bro. He's ours next time."
I want to start a lyric chain. If you know the next line, type in the comments section and so forth and so forth. And tell what song it is as well.
And the lyrics are:
I wish I'd been, I wish I'd been a teen, teen idle
Wish I'd been a prom queen fighting for the title

First to get it right will get a shout out.

When Being a Demigod...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora