ON HOLD (sorry)

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Sorry, but this story is going on hold. I don't know how long, maybe forever. Until inspiration runs back to me, no further chapters should be expected. At the moment I'm just doing a bit of self discovery. I rely to much on how others portray me instead of how I want to be. I gave up on singing just because of one stupid comment but now I wanna take it up again. I'm sick of trying to impress people. I have better things to do than to entertain a bunch of bitches and bastards, in fact I'm actually getting sick of people. You can't drag this bitch down anymore.

But I'm hoping inspiration will come back because I love writing When Being A Demigod and the comments you lovely readers leave behind make my day.

Listen to Who's Laughin Now by Jessie J because it's caused this self revelation.

Adiós Bitchachos!

PM me for shits if you wanna ;)

When Being a Demigod...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora