The Lonely Chase

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Disclaimer: I don't own HoO. I just like laughing at them when they're in an impossible situation.
Well done again to _PJF4E_   I can't believe you actually got the last one right as well.

And thanks to lebble. I was in a seriously bad mood and then I saw your comments and the urge to punch people dissapeared. Thanks darling. ^^
Annabeth's POV

*5 years old*
She sat by herself on the school bench. She wasn't going to eat the lunch that the horrible old hag made. She would rather starve.
"Hey Chase!"
She flinched as the throw rock just narrowly missed her right eye. She looked up towards Millicent, the school bully. "You're such a loner. You're ugly and no one wants to talk to you. Why are you still here for?"
Annabeth just shouldered her backpack and walked.

*7 years old*
Her dad sighed exasperatedly. "Annabeth, just leave the kids alone." Her lip trembled slightly. "But why? I don't-"
"ANNABETH!" He yelled. "Just go to your room!"
Annabeth left with slumped shoulders to face her daily nightmares.

*9 years old*
"Hi Luke." She smiled at the son of Hermes. "Hey Annabeth." She had nothing else to do as everyone else was busy. "What are yo-" He interrupted her. "Hey Annabeth I'm kinda busy now. Talk to you later?"
Annabeth gave him a smile to hide how much she hurt inside.

*12 years old*
A sense of euphoria started battling the loneliness that had begun to consume her. She would start afresh with her father. And as much as she hated to admit it, Jackson was growing on her. Annabeth was starting to look at life in the aspect that was hidden from her for too long.

*15 years old*
She had lost Luke to the hate and bitterness that she had been prone to. And now the redheaded girl was going to take away the only person she truly loved without hate. And on top of that, the end of the world was closer than ever. It was a simple countdown now. Annabeth wondered if the Fates were such cruel creatures to steal the delicate blossoms of happiness that had planted over the years.

*16 years old*
They won. She was heavy with emotions. Despair for Luke, excitement for her new task of recreating Olympus. But the most dominant emotional was the happiness she felt. Happiness that she survived, happiness that she could say that she can go back to a family, but most of all, happiness that she was underwater, kissing Percy Jackson. Annabeth thought that maybe life doesn't have to be a lonley chase for love anymore.
I've always felt kinda sorry for Annabeth.
Quick shout out to leahxjxliddle I love writing Reincarnation. It's he one thing that we haven't murdered each other over. And I'm glad that you've finally read PJO. Wait till you've read HoO and then you're officially tethered to the fandom.


Who knows these lyrics? :

I hate you for the sacrifices you made for me
I hate you for every time you ever bled for me
I hate you for the way you smile when you look at me
I hate you for never taking control of me

I hate you for always saving me from myself
I hate you for always choosing me and not someone else
I hate you for always pulling me back from the edge
I hate you for every kind word you ever said
I'll bleed you dry now

You have three days to guess as usual


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