She Left Me Breathless

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Disclaimer: dear Rick Riordon, I would like the rights to HoO for my birthday.


Annabeth's POV

Gods, she was beautiful.

At first, Annabeth mistakened her for Rachel Elizabeth Dare with her wild curls. But as she took a good, she wondered a she ever mistake her with an angel.

Her hair was a mane of flames, splayed around her face. Her eyes were a vibrant green, with a soul searching quality. Her lips were curled in a smile and her arms and neck were adorned in black tattoos. She was gorgeous.

And she spoke.

"I don't suppose you've seen a blonde boy round these parts?" She asked with a musical voice.

"Sorry, no. I don't suppose you've seen a black haired boy? Answers to Percy."

"Can't say I have. Kidnapped boyfriend, weird note, told to look in a run down estate?"

"Pretty much,"

The readhead grinned "Clary."

"Annabeth." They shook hands and Annabeth felt a tingle upon the contact.

Clary casually hooked her thumbs through her belt loops. "I think the building is through that alley." And, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, she hooked her arm through Annabeth's. She saw Clary shiver and blush slightly; it was adorable. Annabeth could have just-"

"Clary! "

They turned to see a black haired girl running towards them. She could have been a daughter of Aphrodite, with her insane beauty. Clary unlinked their arms and looked anxiously at the girl. Annabeth felt a pang of jealousy that suprised her. Why would she care if this girl was close with Clary? "Isabelle," the readhed murmered, "what's wrong?" Isabelle said a few words Annabeth couldn't catch but it made Clary expression worried. She turned to Annabeth. "We have to use the back alley way. Trouble." Annabeth didn't question her but rather watch as Isabelle turned back the way she came.

Annabeth watched mesmerised as Clary bit her lip in worry. She could do that for her. Oh she could do a lot more. Clary turned to her and she tripped as she did so, falling backwards onto Annabeth.

Her breath caught. Clary was on top of her. And she couldn't bear it anymore.

She kissed her.

Annabeth was concious of handa seeking, finding, tearing-

Clary drew back panting. "I think the boys can wait a little longer," she whispered breathlessly. Annabeth grinned and pulled her back down.


Like I said , homework kept me busy. And I tried to update yesterday but the tablet crashed. And I don't usually ship Persace or Clarabeth.

Just saying. :)


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