A Free Lesson (a spinoff from the classroom incident)

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  • Dedicado a Leah Liddle

Disclaimer: if I owned HoO, I'dve never broken Nico's heart like that.


Nico's POV

The teacher cleared his throat. "Can you gentlemen please explain the need to perform your....hormonial acts.... in my class?"

Nico was at loss for words. Will, however kept his cool. "Well sir, my partner and I are part of a...company... of a sort that advertises publicly we've to offer."

"And that is?"

Will smirked. "I'm sure you've noticed sir."

The teacher's ears burned red. Nico frowned as he noticed some other kids eyeing Will, practically doing him with the eyes. He pressed his lips against Will's dominantly, hearing excited chatter coming from the students.

"And how long does this advert last?" the teacher thundered.

Will shrugged. "We've got good stamina sir, we practice a lot."

Some boy in the class wolf whistled and the whole class laughed. He had the build of a football player and smirked when Will winked at him. Nico mentally added the boy to his kill list.

Just then, the door opened. Piper McLean strode in, hair up, lipstick on, wearing a blue blouse with a low neckline, black skirt and gold strapped Mary Janes. She had the look of a business woman about her as she strode over to the desk. Her eyes glimmered with amusmant when they fell on Will and Nico. Then she smiled at the teacher and the class saying "Hello. I am the owner of One Night Love, and I see you've received our free advertising. Are there any questions?"

A girl with strawberry blonde hair stuck her hand up. "When are these two available?"

The class laughed but looked interested. Mostly in Nico. Which caused Will to wrap his arms around him possesivley.

Piper had finished answering the questions as Will and Nico got dressed. Then Will sauntered over to the teacher. "My card," he put the slip of paper in his hand and whispered, "incase you need it."

The class cheered as Piper, Nico and Will left the class.

They've certainly developed a new interest in maths.


If anyone's curious, the spinoff idea came in Geography. Also my second chapter is up for Darkness in the Light. I might not update as much on here as I need to focus on the other idea.

And if anyone wants to PM me to rant about something, the offer is up. I think its easier talking to someone you can't see.


P.S. there are questions on the other fic I desperately need answers for. Help? *puppy eyes*

When Being a Demigod...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora