"One vet to another"

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Rusty was in his patrol car driving around. Until he got a call of a young veteran who was armed with a knife and threatening to end his life...

This sent chills down rusty's spine.

"Bravo Charlie 21 responding code 3" rusty said into his radio as he flipped his lights and sirens and sped to the scene

There he saw multiple units gun drawn ordering the corgi to drop the knife

Rusty came out and slowly approached the other officers with his hand on his gun ready to draw his weapon.

"Hey Please drop the knife! We don't want to hurt you! Let us help you! Please mate!" Rusty pleaded

"just shoot me!" The man screamed in fury and pain

"I know what your going through mate! I was in the same place you were! I served for almost 10 years in the ranger's! Please let me help you! I know it hurts!" Rusty pleaded as a tear ran down his cheek

"JUST SHOOT ME!" The man screamed

"No!" Rusty exclaimed as he pleaded with the poor vet to drop the knife

Mackenzie then rolled up on scene

"Listen i'm also a vet! I served alongside officer rusty here and and another friend in the army rangers. We saw a lot of awful things. We did a lot of awful things. I lived on the streets for 12 years after the army! I feel your pain! Please let us help you!" Mackenzie pleaded tears trickling down his face as he aimed his gun at the man

After what felt like hours of pleading the man dropped the knife and fell to his knees sobbin

Rusty and Mackenzie moved in and kicked the knife away

Rusty got to the man's level and just hugged him. And Mackenzie rubbed the mans back.

"We're gonna get you help... I swear man. Your not gonna suffer anymore I promise." Rusty said as he held the crying man in his arms.

"We are part of a program that supports veterans like us. It was started by a close friend. We can help you. We understand your pain. We love you brother" Mackenzie said

"Thank you both so much." The man said feeling comforted by his fellow brothers in arms

The other officers watched in awe...

"What's your name mate?" Rusty asked the man

"M..my name is john..." the corgi responded shakily

"My name is rusty and that's Mackenzie. Glad to
Meet you brother..." said rusty as he patted the mans back.

People were recording and their body cams caught the whole thing.

They helped the man up and a social worker escorted him to a help facility.

Rusty sat in his patrol vehicle and began to cry. Mackenzie came up to him and comforted him also beginning to cry. Mackenzie and rusty hugged both crying. They both felt the man's pain. Soon they were gonna visit the man and help him out. Turns out he was only 27 years old! He had served in the national guard and served 2 combat tours and saw horrid things. Luckily rusty and his fellow officers saved him in time before he was completely lost to ptsd...

To be continued

Random adult bluey shorts and stories!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat