Bingo's odd but cute dream!

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Bingo wakes up in a strange area. A sunny Green field with a small pond

Bingo: *begins to panic* What the... jack?! LOKI?!

She heard what sounded like multiple Loki voices at once

Loki's in unison; over here mama!

There was about 6 Loki's hugging a swan that just sat there

Bingo: what the...

Occasionally the Loki's would randomly look back at bingo and smile. They were like meerkats with their snappy quick movements when they turned

Bingo: oh who am I kidding! *joins in*

The Loki's then hug bingo

Bingo giggles and hugs all of them as the swan happily swims around the pond

Bingo and the Loki's lay down on the grass and cuddle warmly

Bingo then wakes up with jack and Loki. Loki nestled in between them like always nice and cuddled up

Bingo wrapped her arms around the sleeping Pibble and kisses jack and Loki

Bingo: *whispers into Loki's ear* I love you so much...

Loki smiles in his sleep and his little snout wiggles

Bingo nuzzles Loki and falls back to sleep!

The end :3

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