The fartdemic

842 6 52

Not canon.

(Not a fetish chapter. This is a COMEDY chapter. Farts are funny. Not sexy you furry degenerates)

*with bluey and her family*

Bluey,Jean and hunter were sleeping.

Bluey woke up to a putrid smell.

Bluey: ugh! Jean!

Jean barley woke up

Jean: wha?...

Bluey: are you farting?!

Jean: what n..noooo


Bluey: it is you! Oh god it smells!

Hunter then woke up

Hunter: oh Jeebus what is that horrid smell?!

Jean: your mom. She is farting

Bluey: what?!

Hunter: ewww mum!

Bluey: it's your dad!



Bluey: that's what you get for blaming me!

Bluey then heard a fart from hunter's bed.

Hunter: sowwy.

Bluey began to gag and ran out of the room.

Bluey ran to the Kitchen.

Bluey: I'm safe in here!

But then the smell began to attack the kitchen

Bluey: are. you. freaking. KIDDIN ME-

*at bandit and chili's house*

Bandit sat on the couch watching tv

Chili walked in and the smell hit her immediately

Chili: bandit! Are you farting?!

Bandit: nooooo...




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