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Bingo was sitting on the couch next to Jack.

Bingo: this show sucks... also! Where's the boy?

Jack: I think he's in the room!

Loki came downstairs on all fours and sat on the floor in front of them with sparkling puppy eyes

Bingo: there's my pup!

Loki: *starts whining*

Jack: *kindly* are you ok?

Loki: *Continues whining and whimpering*

Bingo: what's wrong baby?

Loki: *continues whining*

Jack: if you want us to help you gotta tell us what's wrong!

Loki: I stubbed my toe... *cries more*

Bingo: aww let me see! *scoops Loki up into her arms and checks his toe* it's not bleeding but it's a bit bruised! *kisses Loki's little stubbed toe*

Loki: *giggles a bit*

Bingo: *holds Loki close and kisses him on the forehead*

Jack: *cuddles them both*

Jack draped the big warm blanket over them and himself

Jack put a movie on as they fell asleep...


The current arc of ab is super dark! So I want to help balance it by making all wholesome shorts and chapters on this book! And soon adult bluey 2 that takes place right before cruella!

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