Lucky meets RAS lucky

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(Not really canon but I thought it would be funny to have these guys interact in an non violent way)

Ab lucky: so.

Ras lucky: wat

Ab lucky: the piercings

Ras lucky: dang nabit! My piercings are just my look ok! I think they define me! And don't compare me to jean luc! That guy kinda sucks!

Ab lucky: I also heard your gay.

Ras lucky: DARN IT JUDO! What's your deal anyway?! What makes you so different than the fact that you don't know how to play guitar?

Ab bluey: well first I went through with my football career and I was in the air force for a few years. Now I'm a chp trooper. that's why I don't have the piercings. I'm also married to Winnie and we have a daughter named destiny.

Ras lucky: I have a wife

Ab lucky: you do?

Ras lucky: ITS YO MUM


Ab lucky: I tried...

*walks away*

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