Chapter 19

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Ellie opened her eyes without knowing for sure for how long she had been sleeping, but it seemed to her like it had been for a long time. Her head was pounding a little. Under the blinders there was no day light infiltrating anymore even if the day was dark itself, so she concluded it was night already. Wrapped around her body, Chis still slept profoundly. Feeling his heat warming her, she turned around gently to look at him. Under the flickering blue light coming from the clock above the bed, she could have a glimpse of his figure. He looked peaceful, like wanting nothing more than to curl up into the curve of her body, and his features were so much softer. Ellie marveled herself as he was so handsome when he slept, that steady heart, those steady breaths, more than enough to make her fall in love with him all over again. With the tip of her fingers, she pulled a strand of his hair away from his face and he didn't even stir. He must have been exhausted to be that profoundly asleep at that time of the day. He was not the type of person for a nap and he had been sleeping for quite some time after having slept an entire night.

Looking up, she read 7.30 pm. Ellie stretched, pulling her arms from under the covers and above her head and then rubbed her eyes. It was dinner time, but Chris was resting so well. She looked at him one more time and was so discouraged to wake him up, and then she saw the shadow of the telephone on her bedside table. She grabbed it and the card with the numbers she should dial for some services in the hotel. Knowing, he would probably wake up with her talking right by his side, Ellie pulled his hand away from her belly gently and rested it on the mattress and the sat very carefully on the bed. The, she got up and walked to the bathroom. She turned the light on and closed the door, that way she could let Chris sleep a while more. Ellie then closed the toilet seat and sat on it and then looked for the number of the reception, dialing it after she found it. It was the usual number nine.

"Good evening. How can I help you?" A woman's voice answered the phone almost immediately in a very friendly tone.

"Good evening. I'd like to know if you have room service?" Ellie asked speaking low.

"We do." The woman responded.

Ellie shivered a little, despite the room being so warm, and remembered she should have put a sweater on. She was just in lingerie and barefoot. Probably it was the feet against the cold tiles that were causing her to react.

"I would like to order dinner. Is that possible?" Ellie asked, trying to pull her feet up on the toilet seat too but her belly was getting on the way.

"Well..." The woman began to explain. "... we only have burgers or pizzas, hotdogs... You have a list near the phone." She said.

"I don't have the list here..." Ellie said. "Maybe two burgers with fries." She told the woman.

"Well done, medium rare?" She asked.

"One well done and another medium rare." Ellie said. Though she preferred her meat medium rare, it was highly unadvised during pregnancy. "With cheese and onions on both, if possible?"

"It is. And to drink?"

"A diet coke and an orange juice." Ellie said.

"It will take a while." The woman then said. "As it's snowing, many preferred to stay in and our kitchen is quite busy."

"It's ok." Ellie smiled, even if the woman couldn't see her.

"Very well." The woman told her. "Room service will be at your room as soon as it's done."

"Room 1102." Ellie told her.

"Noted. Have a great evening, miss."

"Good evening." Ellie hung up.

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