Chapter 10

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Ellie stirred in her sleep and turned around to try to sleep a bit more, but she knew it would be unfruitful. She usually did not manage to fall asleep again. Chris was still in bed too for she could feel his body next to hers and hear his heavy breathing right behind her. Little puffs of air caressed the back of her neck as he breathed, giving her the goosebumps. Not resisting it, she opened her eyes and noticed it was day already for some day light could be noticed coming from under the door of the bedroom. It was early though. The clock on the nightstand read in big red letters 9 am. Though tired, she turned on her back and stretched and then rubbed her eyes to shake the sleep away. Right after, she turned on her right side, curling on her own body, to look at Chris. Through the poor light that illuminated the room, she saw how part of his hair covered his face and she gently pulled it away. Ellie knew how he hated his hair on his face, that was the reason why he was tying it all the time. His puffy lips slightly parted as he breathed profoundly. Chris was lost in deep sleep and she would not disturb him. Still, she ventured a soft brush of her lips on his cheek before sliding out of the bed gently.

Tiptoeing, she got out of the bedroom, closing the door gently and she entered the bathroom that was just the next door on the hallway. Ellie stood in front of the mirror contemplating the dark circles under her eyes. A night out would always give her bad bags the day after. Opening the basin's tap, she cupped the cold water within her hands and splashed it over her face and then she washed it with her special cleansing gel. After, she brushed her teeth and finally, she sat on the toilet for her morning pee. Done, she flushed the toilet and then grabbed a rubber band and rolled her braids on a knot, so she wouldn't wet them in the shower. That's where she went right after. Ellie opened the water and waited for it to get warm. After trying it with her hand, she entered the tub and had her morning refreshing shower, washing her body with her cocoa scented shower gel.

When done and dried, Ellie put on her slippers and went to the laundry where she knew she had clean clothes to wear. She knew that coming back to the bedroom meant waking up Chris and she didn't want to do that. At her laundry space, she found a set of black lace lingerie that she put on and then she searched on the pile of ironed clothes for something to wear. Down at the bottom, she found her tight blue jeans, ragged on her knees that she could still zip but not button it and then she found a black sweater which ending was misaligned in different angles, falling like a tunic. Happy with her outfit, she got out of the laundry space and found herself in the kitchenet ready to have breakfast. She poured cereals in a bowl and then showered it with some milk. She searched for a spoon in the first drawer at the right side of the sink and then she walked up to the window.

The day was gloomy. The sky was shadowed in grey, but in different shades of grey. Right above her building it was light grey that would intensify until far in the horizon where was it dark grey. The wind was blowing a little stronger than the day before for she could hear it whistle as it infiltrate in between the branches of the trees in the park. The trees danced according to its rhythm, bending, and shaking as the wind caressed them. She took a deep breath realizing that winter was approaching sooner than expected. She could see by the people walking at the park that it should be cold. They were wearing long coats and beanies.

"Oh dear..." She whispered, takin another spoon of cereals to her mouth and feeling discouraged. Summer and Spring were much nicer seasons.

When she finished her light breakfast, Ellie came back to the bathroom and washed her teeth once more. After, she ran a moisturizer cream on her face and began to undo her braids. As she expected, her long black hair had the wavy effect she wanted. The only thing she did was to gather the front strands of her hair, pull it back and tying it on a top knot, the rest fell lose down her back. Knowing they needed some bread and vegetables; she took the chance to go to the market. Ellie put on the All Star from the previous night on her feet and grabbed her long coat from the hanger and ran its zipper to close it, even pulling the collar fully around her neck. Then, she pulled her hair out of it and grabbed her little purse and the keys and she got out, closing the door gently. As she descended the stairs, she met the neighbor from next door opening the mail box.

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