Chapter 18

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Susan Silver had booked her a flight even before Kim had called her the previous night, she'd just have to pick up her ticket at the airline company's front desk at the airport. It all had been so sudden that Ellie had to call her boss that late in the night, yanking him from his sleep. It took him a while to comprehend what was happening, not because he was someone hard to deal with but because he had had his sleep disturbed. Luckily, he understood the emergency and gave her a few days off, but Ellie suggested she'd use days of her due holidays' break instead. Other than that, she didn't call anyone, she would do so from New York City. She went to bed around 1 am, after throwing some warm clothes into her bag but was unable to sleep. She might have slept about two hours if that much for Chris was constantly in her mind. Around 6 am, she left the house towards the airport where a plane from the American Airlines would take her on a six-hour flight to the other end of the country.

The flight had been quiet. Though full, there was a much-appreciated silence inside the plane that Ellie thanked people for it. Exhausted as she was, it didn't take long until she fell into deep sleep, using the blanket that was on her seat to cover herself and the small pillow to rest her head against the window. She slept most of her flight. When she opened her eyes again, there was only one more hour to go, but it felt like the whole six hours to her. The entire time, Chris was in her mind hammering over and over again and many times she had to clean her tears away. It was there that she became too anxious again and her hands shook a little and her breathing was short. Her chest was about to burst in agony and she knew none of that stress was good for the baby, but she could not avoid it. Anything concerning Chris would hit her hard, harder than anything. When she had told him that he was her everything, she really meant it. He had been her everything since she had met him even if they were so young.

Moments of their life played inside her mind and she sniffed really low while her lips trembled a bit and a whimper escaped her throat involuntary. Their first kiss inside the dark cinema room. The first time he called her to ask her out, confessing he had stolen her number from Andy's phonebook. The first time he had told her he was in love with her. The first time they had sex. It was on the backseat of Peter's car, after being at a party and running away so they could be alone. At the time they were still hiding, no one knew they were together. The moment he proposed. Chris had taken her to Discovery Park, one of their favorite places, and while walking near the water, he stopped to write something on the sand. He then called her and Ellie approached him, reading "Will you marry me?" on the sand. When Ellie looked at Chris once more, he was on one knee and had a red box opened with a solitaire twinkling as the rays of light of that warm day reflected on it. She gave him an immediate yes. Ellie closed her eyes and muffled her crying there... then, the day they got married became alive in her thoughts. January 1990, just a year after they met and still it had been the best decision of her life. Ellie cleaned her eyes and took a deep breath and tried to stabilize her emotions.

"Are you ok, miss?" The man sitting by her side asked her.

"Yes." Ellie forced a smile at him, but he was seeing her hands still shaking on her lap.

"Do you want me to call someone to bring some water?" He suggested. "In your condition, I don't think it is good to be that nervous..."

"I am ok." Ellie insisted, but she saw the man stretching his hand and press the button that served to call the airhostess. "Thank you." She said after, offering him another exhausted smile.

Soon, an elegant tall woman appeared with a wonderful smile on her face and bent a little over their seats.

"How can I help you'" She asked.

"Can you bring some water?" The mas asked gently and the airhostess nodded.

"In a minute." She bowed lightly and walked away.

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