Chapter 50

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Though the court session ended up late, Chris and Ellie picked up Heaven from her mother's house that same night, together with all her things. Millie, predicting the final verdict, had everything arranged for them to take home. They didn't share a word. Though Chris was in better terms with his mother-in-law, he also didn't tell her anything. At the moment he was taking his baby back to where she belonged some hatred grew inside him and he thought he'd better be silent not to say anything that could damage their relationship. At home, they didn't waste time putting her things back in place, they left all her bags in her nursery but didn't unpack anything. Instead, they spent hours on their bed with Heaven, playing with her. Even the baby seemed to perceive she was back home. Her five months old enthusiasm melted them. Her clumsy giggles brought tears to their eyes. She was their strength. Their prime reason to live. She was their whole existence. The perfect seed born out of their love.

In the morning, though they wanted to, they didn't have much free time to play with her again. When Chris picked her up from her crib, a huge smile and four limbs franticly bouncing was his welcoming. She released a sound already in his arms and then slapped him though she just wanted to touch his face and probably grab his nose.

"Hey, cub!" Chris smiled tenderly. "You have to be less eager..." He kissed Heaven's cheek and that's when her little hand got hold of the tip of his nose, making Chris cringe. "Yeah... I knew you wanted that."

"Gah..." Heaven blurted trying to grab his nose back as he strayed his face from her hand.

"Right..." He giggled, looking in her blue eyes. "I'm not letting you."

It was the morning of Eddie's and Brooke wedding so they had to be fast to get ready. While Ellie took her morning shower, Chris fed Heaven and changed her. He was gluing the second strip of her diaper when Ellie entered the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Shit... Chris we're late." She commented running to the drawer where she kept her lingerie. "Is she ready?" Ellie looked back at him, dropping her towel on the floor.

"Almost." He told her. "She just needs her dress..."

"Ok... her bag? Do we have everything we need for her?" Ellie slid inside her panties and pulled them up. Chris nodded, while his eyes travelled long her body, making Ellie slightly smile. "Spare clothing?" She grabbed the adhesives to glue under her breasts to accommodate them in an elegant form. Some other to glue on her nipples so they would stick out on the dress.

"Yes. We did that last night." He smiled. "I'm ready to unglue all that, you know." Chris couldn't hold his thoughts and Ellie turned to look at him with her pleased smile on her lips.

"I want you too." Ellie winked and Chris closed his eyes and took a hand to his chest as if he had been wounded in a good way.

"Except for the small detail that we are running late." He added, after his theatrical stunt.

"Yes." Ellie stopped in front of him, rested a hand on his face and then kissed his lips. "Go get ready."

"Can you look after her? I need my shower too." Chris was still with his sleeping clothes: a pair of shorts and an old shirt.

"Sure." Ellie smiled and kissed his lips once more. "Let me just put on my dress so then I can dress her after."

Chris turned around to see her grab a red satin dress. He had seen it when she bought it, but he had not seen her in it and he was so sure that she would look stunning. Her back would be showing in a V that reached her lower back. The front of the dress was also a V until her stomach, letting her chest completely uncovered. Her breasts pulled up perfectly. When she pulled up the zipper and she turned around, he held his breath for a few seconds and then smiled.

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