Chapter 28

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When Chris reached the elevators, he started pressing the button ceaselessly with his index finger to force it to come up from the ground floor. He only stopped when he finally saw the zero marked on huge green letters turn into one and he took a step back while taking deep breaths. He was feeling his heart accelerating again and a sense of tremendous guilt started invading him.

"God damn it..." He whispered while running a hand over his face with his eyes set of the floor's screen above the elevator's doors. It was so slow...

It was too slow, for there were stops in nearly every floor until the doors finally opened in front of him. When the metallic sliding doors opened, three women were coming out of it, but he pierced in between them to get inside at the same time, not even waiting as he should have done. He was side eyed but he didn't mind. Barely giving them time to step their foot outside, he pressed the button to go down, making the doors close the next second. His eyes fixed on the little screen that showed how the floors decreased in number and when he was reaching the ground floor, he gave a step near the door.

"Fuck..." He whispered as the he felt the elevator slow its motion, preparing to open the door and when it finally did, he pierced in between the doors just to get out faster.

As he got to the lobby, he started running towards the main door, trying to avoid bumping into people in the crowded emergency room. As he ran, he prayed that Millie's code for running patient was activated on time so Ellie couldn't get out of the hospital. The thought of her alone in the streets and not knowing exactly where to look made him cringe. He could swear his eyes blurred that very instant as fear started to corrode him, and that's when he heard her voice. Her annoyed voice and at the same time panicked voice. Chris slowed his pace as he saw her standing in front of the security guard and the locked sliding doors preventing her from getting out

"Let me out!" Ellie demanded with her fist clenched, he noticed.

"Miss... you can't go." The security told her calmly. "Stay calm and come back to your room."

"You can't keep me here." Ellie muttered. "I need to get out." She insisted. "I have to..."

"Ellie..." Chris called her as he got nearer. Ellie tensed a little as she heard his voice and turned around, seeing him slowing his pace as he arrived. "Stop this..." He whispered, looking in her eyes.

"You're here?" She curled an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" He muttered, grabbing her arm as suddenly he felt so mad at her. "It's ok..." Chris turned to the security. "She's with me." He told them.

"What do you mean?" She hissed low, looking in his eyes. "And let me go." Ellie jerked her arm free. "I was going to look for you!" She exclaimed. "You just left... you left..." She accused him.

"You told me to go!" He hissed as well. Their eyes locked.

"Because you were being an idiot." She threw it in his face. "A complete jerk."

Chris took a deep breath and grabbed her arm again. This time, he pulled her as well, forcing her to follow him. Her words were leaving him even more mad.

"Let's go back to the bedroom and wait until the doctor discharges you." He said, continuing to walk and not even looking at her.

Ellie followed him, held by his firm clenched hand around her arm. She knew he was really furious and so she decided to stay silent. She said nothing until they were in front of the elevator, but then she couldn't hold it anymore as she perceived he was not releasing her. That gesture infuriated her even more.

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