twenty six

800 14 1

uhhhh im half asleep writing this so i apologise if there are any mistakes i will come back and proofread


talisa is calling you. accept or decline.

i quickly accepted the call, sitting the phone down on the mantelpiece before she came into view. she pretty, i literally couldn't stop grinning at the sight of her.

"talia! you look..." i faltered, taking some more time to look at her.

"ugly? not surprised," she cut in.

"talia, stop!" i told her. she was absolutely not ugly...not at all.

"sorry, sorry. bad habit i know," she apologised, laughing now, and wow, she looked even better doing that.

"you have a really nice smile," i stuttered awkwardly. that could've come out better.

"oh! thank you...i don't really smile with my teeth much...i want to get them sorted because i'm sort of insecure about them..."

"insecure? how come? there's nothing to be insecure of!" i replied, genuinely confused at how she could feel insecure with a smile like that.

"i don't know...just trolls on my instagram and twitch and that i guess...i know everyone says not to listen to them but when lots of people say it repetitively it just gets ingrained in your brain, you know? anyway i'm sorry for getting deep about it, it's not what you wanna hear on our first facetime," she says, smiling again now.

"no, it's not, but only because i wish you realised how beautiful you are..." i said softly, getting distracted by just looking at her.

"simon? simon? hello! simon?" she asked, suddenly throwing me back into reality. "you just started daydreaming and staring through the camera."

yeah, at you.

"sorry, didn't get much sleep last night," i lied, shaking my head.

"you need to fix your sleeping's awful...i'll wake up and see like four messages from you having an existential crisis at four in the morning."

"you should know that this is a daily occurrence by now," i say lightheartedly. 

"oh trust me, i do. maybe it's my fault for giving you a separate ringtone," she says with a tight smile. 

this perks me up. "you srtill have a separate ringtone for me?" my heart swells.

"of course i do. you're like, the only person i can talk to for hours on end without getting bored. i love replying as quick as i can when you message," she explains to me, and i feel like i might explode. 

"you're being soft tonight," were the only words that came out of my mouth. not exactly what i was going for, but it would have to do. 

"uh, yeah, i guess?" she answered awkwardly, causing me to curse under my breath.

the ultimate aim would be to tell her i had feelings for her, but god forbid i risked this friendship. no, it was the only thing keeping me going. nothing could risk that.

"oh, simon, i've got to sister is calling me...i'll text you later? as soon as i'm free?"

i nod my head. "definitely. i hope everything's alright."

"it is, now," she said cryptically, blowing me a small kiss before hanging up, turning my screen black. 

that had gone so much better than i could've ever expected, and i already missed hearing her voice, it felt so natural. 

thanks for today, i really enjoyed it! ps you looked amazing :)

that would do it. now, maybe it was time to stream to pass some time before she would end up texting again....

hello, anon | salia Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum