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hello, world

today was a weird day. i've been feeling down all day. i don't know how to explain it...i sort of just, feel numb? is that a shared feeling? i'm so used to being fun, and bouncy, and i don't quite know what to do with myself whilst i feel like this. 

i ditched my friends today. lied and said i was doing something so i didn't have to stream. am i bad for that? it was only meant as a white lie. harmless. i hope it stays harmless. 

have you ever told a white lie? i feel like i'm the sort of person to tell them all the time, although this one feels a tiny bit more serious than other times. i know my friends would want to help if they knew how i was feeling, which is why i haven't told them, i guess? 

i don't want them making a fuss over me. in fact, i feel much more comfortable ranting about my feelings to a stranger on the internet. which is weird, considering my friends told me most of the internet are creeps. i guess they've just had a worse experience than i have had. 

so far everything's been great. anon, please don't turn out to be a creep. i am literally begging, even though we've only known each other for two weeks. and by known, i mean we've talked twice. does that make us friends now? i hope it does. i'm in need of another friend. 

bye, world




. i'm sorry to hear you're feeling like this, mj

. when i feel like this i try to focus on something that can ground me

. for me, it's either anime or music. i have a playlist i use and it works every time

. and yes, i think this makes us friends now :)


. a playlist??? i will have to give it a try. thank you for your advice, anon :)

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