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where are you???

did you go home???

i'm so sorry omg i must've fallen asleep :((

no!! i'm still here i'm in the kitchen with holly :))

i got scared you went home for a second 

i wouldn't have gone without saying goodbye!!

i'll be up in ten or so minutes x

alright :)

i turn my phone off, sighing in relief. at least she hasn't gone. to my surprise i'm still in my clothes from last night...i must've been absolutely shattered to have fallen asleep on talia. i hope i didn't snore, or anything...that would've been entirely embarrassing.

i do a little stretch, deciding to browse my laptop. i haven't been on it in a while...the last time i'd used it had been two or so weeks ago when i had started editing a video...and even then i hadn't finished it. i'd just - lost interest. and since then i'd been busy...

it opened to the website...oh, the website. i also hadn't been on there in a hot minute...i'd been using it as a way to express my thoughts, my feelings, but recently, with talia by my side, i'd been distracted. in the best way possible. 

New post from mjiswriting! 

a new post? she hadn't told me she had been writing again...this was weird. i clicked on it, naturally. interested in what she had to say. 

"...because being around him makes me so happy..."

"...i realised i'm slowly starting to fall in love with him..."

"...or maybe i already do love him..."

i had a feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me this wasn't something i was supposed to be reading, something she hadn't intended to make public...

i shut my laptop as quickly as i could, leaving it shut on my bed. but everything she had wasn't scary for me to hear, because i felt the exact same way. in fact, i'd been trying to work out how to ask her to be my girlfriend...i didn't know when the time would be right, or how to do it. but these feelings...these feelings were definitely one full of love for her. that was for sure. 

all i needed to do now was to pluck up the courage to ask her...

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