thirty eight

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"so, is everything sorted?" simon asks, greeting me once again in the kitchen. holly had gone back upstairs - presumably to jj's room, doing god knows what.

"yes...although she told me more than what i wanted or needed to know and honestly, i'm deeply disturbed," i admitted to him, desperately attempting not to cringe.

"yeah, you know what, i think i'm better off not knowing," he agreed, looking rather disturbed himself. 

"so, now that's sorted...what's the plan? do i go home, or -" i started, hoping he'd ask me to stay the night. i wanted to stay the night. 

"you're more than welcome to stay! i just didn't want you to feel pressured into staying if i straight up asked you," he explained. what a dork. 

"i'd love to stay," i tell him, the butterflies in my stomach starting up again. it was a never ending cycle with him. 

"you wanna go upstairs? to my room?" he asks quietly. this would be the first time seeing his room...

"can't believe i'm going to your room before a second date," i say sarcastically, getting up from my seat and linking my arm with his. 

"i promise we'll have a second date soon," he replied, and i could tell it was meant seriously. 

"i know we will! and i look forward to it too," i say honestly. 

we walk up the stairs in sync, noticing the open door to jj's room. we both look at the door and back at each other, our noses wrinkling up in disgust, deciding to ignore it. 

we reach a door the other side of the landing, and he opens it, revealing a brightly lit room. by no means was it...entirely messy, but it wasn't clean at all, either. not that i was judging...merely observing. 

"i'm sorry it's a mess, just had no motivation to clear it up," he apologised, kicking some of the clothes to the side.

"don't apologise to's your room, you can choose what to do with it," i tell him, hovering in the middle of the room, unsure of where to sit. 

"i have - uh, i have netflix on my tv if you wanted to watch something?" he offered, pointing across at the tv on his wall. 

"can we - can we watch spiderman?" i asked slowly, feeling a little shy. 

"course we can," he replied simply, jumping onto the bed and setting it up. "well come on then! are you joining me or what?" he asked, patting the spot next to him. 

now knowing what to do i join him on his bed, it's comfortable as hell, and settle down so i'm comfortable. i can feel him join me as the tv makes a little noise before the start of the film plays. 

he's led down next to me on his bed, one arm resting on my stomach, the other above my head on a pillow. i feel in this position. safe with him in my company. 

about midway through the film i notice he's fallen asleep on me. i don't have the heart to move him, or wake him up so i let him lie there, sleeping peacefully. 

"what are you like?" i whisper, smiling at the sight of him. "what am i like?" i continue, realising at that very moment i think i'm falling in love with him. 

hello, anon | salia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora