thirty seven

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"simon? talia? what the fuck are you guys doing here?" jj asked in surprise after opening his door to the two of us. 

"holly? i know you're in there!" i called out, standing back with my arms crossed. her reaction was going to be amazing. 

jj's eyebrows rose as i said her name, looking between simon and i rapidly. 

"how did you -"

"you weren't exactly subtle, mate," simon said cheekily, earning himself an elbow nudge from me. that was my best friend he was talking about. 

"sorry," he apologised, shooting me a look. 

"holly?" i called out again. "i haven't got all day, i know you're in there, just wanna talk is all." 

it was only then i started to hear a collateral of noise coming from the room, and soon enough she was there, in a hoodie that definitely was not hers, and a guilty look plastered over her face. 

"i can explain -" she started. 

"you're your own person. i'm not actually mad. i just need to talk to you," i smiled, confusing everyone around me. "i'll text you in a little there anywhere we can go?" i ask simon, who instructed me the living room downstairs was free. 

we walked down in silence, only interacting when we closed the door behind us. 

"you cheeky little madam! you didn't tell me you were coming back here!" i gasped, a smile rooted on my face. 

"i felt bad! i don't know why, but oh my fucking god, jj is-"

"no, no, no, i do not want to know. from now on imagine i am your mum," i say to her, not wanting to know about her sex life. 

"way to ruin the mood," she smirked, falling back on the sofa. "have you and simon-"

"no?! this is only our second time meeting, when did you think we'd have a chance to-"

"there's always today," she smiled, and i was very close to swatting her. 

"holly!" i gasped, throwing a pillow at her instead. 

"all i'm saying is sometimes it's nice to take a risk...i definitely had a good night - if you know what i mean."

"unfortunately i do know what you mean and i think that's the worst of it all," i complained, wanting to bury my head in a pillow. 

"i actually can't even believe you two haven't even thought about-"

"we're not even a couple or anything," i tell her, and it's at this exact moment i realise i'm upset about this. 

"but you want to be, don't you? i can tell," she says, softly this time. almost sympathetically. 

"i think i do want to be his girlfriend, yeah...we've kissed, once, so i think the thought of a relationship has been present but it's just never actually - been talked about."

"well if you want to get into a relationship with him, then the thing to do is to talk to him. tell him how you're feeling, and see if he feels the same way."

"i can't believe i'm getting relationship advice from someone that's been shagging his best friend all day," i laughed, thinking about the the whole situation. 

"yeah, i can't actually believe myself either if i'm being honest..."

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