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hey mj!

i know you only updated yesterday, and idk if you use this site in between updates but i was worried about you, so this is me checking up on you

are you okay??

aaahhh simon! i'm sorry if i worried you

i'm okay

people's comments aren't nice sometimes

i know exactly what you mean

ohhh yeah, you said you're in the same line of work as i am, right?

something like that, yeah

like, i love my job and streaming so much but it all happened so suddenly, i sometimes feel kind of lost and like i have no one to guide me

sorry that was so deep

no i get you, i'm literally the same, i got famous really fast, and i just don't know how to...handle it sometimes?

this feels like you're living the exact same life i am

who knows, maybe i am

i don't know if this is wrong to ask, but are you from america?

i am not from america, no

so you're british?

so if i'm not american i'm instantly british??

i'm joking

i am maybe british

oh wowww, me too

is that so??? careful, don't reveal too much right now love

a little at a time :)

it feels like i've known you months

i know, but it's only been a month


i know

i'll text you soon, alright?

alright :)

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