forty five

635 11 15



1.a partial or total loss of memory:"they were suffering from amnesia"

"where is he?" i ask, pushing my way to the front of the reception desk, not giving a damn about anyone else there, because right now he was the only person that mattered. 

"i'm sorry ma'am, i have no idea who you're talking about. surname?"

"minter. simon minter. i'm his - friend."

"i'm sorry, we can't go revealing information to anyone other than immediate family, it's against our -"

"he has no family in the area! me and jj -" i turn round to point at him, " are all he's got! you have to let us know he's okay, please!" i plead, hoping that somewhere deep inside her there's sympathy. i have no idea if he's okay. 

she sighs. "look. i shouldn't be doing this, but he's just come out of a surgery. room forty two, down the hall," she says, and i've left before she opens her mouth once more, rushing down the hallway, where the signs read 40 - 51. 

his room is third on the left, the door closed. 

jj is right behind me still, and he looks equally as panicked. we had both been on edge ever since the police phoned, telling us he had been checked into hospital. we still had no clue what had happened, or how bad anything was. 

i open the door slowly, noticing the bed in the middle of the room, with simon on it. he's facing us, and his head is wrapped up in a bandage, or something - i'm not quite sure. 

he has several cuts across his face, and some across his arms, but other than that he looks like he's sleeping peacefully. almost like he was the other night with me. 

"oh thank fuck he's alright," jj mumbled from behind me, a heavy breath leaving his mouth. 

"he's going to be alright," i repeat, following suit and taking a deep exhale. 

he stirs, the bed making a small squeak as he starts to wake up. i look at jj in panic, not knowing whether we should call for someone, seeing as we weren't really supposed to be in here in the first place. 

"simon?" jj asks, walking towards his bed, yet i stay back, waiting for his response. 

"jj? is that you?" he manages. thank god his speech is alright. 

"yeah man! it's me! i'm so glad you're alright."

"why wouldn't i be alright?" simon asks back. it's worrying, but then again he has just gone through some type of brain surgery. 

"no reason...i'm just glad you're okay, man," i hear jj say, and he sounds emotional, which i realise to be rare. he turns back, cocking his head at me, as if to tell me to come and talk to him. 

i walk forward, nervous to speak to him now, still extremely worried about the state he's in. 

"simon, i'm so glad you're -"

"who are you?" 

hello, anon | salia Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя