Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Mark

" Honey, we need to talk. "

" What is it mother? " Y/n asked softly, rubbing her hand on a comforting way.
" H-He's angry that Darius failed him. "

Aria took a deep breath and sighed.
" He wants to Mark you. I'm truly sorry. I tried everything I could but I couldn't stand a chance, sweetheart. I'm so sorry. " Aria borke down again while
Y/n seemed frozen in her place.

" M-Mark me? As in make me a Death Eater? " She breathed out, falling on the ground in shock. " Y-Yes. I tried, love. But he wouldn't listen. I hate to tell you this but it also goes for Draco. "

Y/n's heart dropped. She imagined the possible outcomes of what might happen if she said no. It'd only be two. One, die. Or. Two, torture.

How was she supposed to do this? Ho was Draco handling it? Was he alright? Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at her mother, horrified.

" Can I see Draco? " She said, her voice barely a whisper. Aria nodded weakly and left. Y/n took out the ring she had bought recently and rubbed over it twice.

Getting up, she made her way to the backyard, she found Draco there, looking as sulky as ever. She fell right in his arms, a soft sob escaping her lips. " It's on us! We're supposed to save them, Draco. How will we do this? "

Draco didn't have any reassurance for the first time. He wasn't sure himself so he let his tears fall too. The two sat under a tree for what seemed like hours, just holding onto each other.

" I'm scared, Dray. " Y/n shivered, curling into his chest. Draco sighed, rubbing her bare arm in circles. " Me too, N/n. "


" Y/n, dear. Come on. " Narcissa hugged the girl and let her inside, " Meet Bellatrix. My sister. "

Y/n gave a slight bow, earning a cackle. She cringed internally. " I like her. I see why you chose her for-"

" Bella. Let's get inside and talk. " Aria entered, closing the door. " Ah! Yes. "
Y/n spotted Draco's room door, slightly open.

" Go. " Narcissa motioned, noticing her eyes on Draco's door. Y/n nodded and dismissed herself, making her way upstairs, passing Snape on the way.

Y/n's legs were shaking as she entered the Manor. There was burning feeling in the pit of her stomach, constantly reminding her what she was going to be turning into soon. A murderer.

As she spotted Draco in his room, her heart sped up at the sight. He was wearing a black suit, had grown taller over the weeks of break and looked handsome as ever.

But the fear evident on his face made her realise why she was here. " Draco. " She whispered, and was instantly enveloped in a hug. " I'm sorry, N/n. I can't get you out of this! " He said in a shaky voice by her shoulder.

Y/n relaxed in the touch and grabbed his arm. " We're In This Together, Draco. I'm not leaving you alone. " She whispered, looking up at the boy.

Draco bit his lower lip, tucking the strand of her hair behind her ear, " I'm sorry. " Y/n shook her head gently,
" Don't be. "

She whispered, finding Draco's face inching closer. Y/n didn't know if it was fear of seeing Voldemort or the closness that made her legs jelly-like, that made her heart beat at a rate she never thought it would.

Goosebumps rose all over her body as his hot breath fanned over her face. She didn't know what was happening, but it seemed right. Her hands automatically wrapped around his neck, her eyes closing.

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