Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: The Yule Ball

The grounds of Hogwarts were covered with thick snow. And Draco didn't know why Y/n found it okay to walk in the snow to the Black Lake.

" Why are we walking in the cold again? " He asks, rubbing his hands together. " Because I'm tired of these guys telling me to ditch you and go the ball with them. " She giggled, taking out her wand.

" What are you doing? " He whined, Y/n giggling. She changed her shoes into ice skating ones, along either Draco's. " Oh,
no! "

" What? You love ice skating! " She grinned broad, stepping on the ice and swaying away, Draco following.


" Don't you have to get ready? " Y/n looked at her wrist watch and shook her head." Not yet. Who takes that long? "

" Girls? " Draco suggests, causing Y/n to smsck his arm playfully. " Come on, let's get inside atleast. I'm freezing! "

" Fine, you crybaby. Let's go. "

When they reached inside the castle, they were instantly spotted by the Trio. " Look who it is?! " Draco smirked, Y/n rolling her eyes.

" Don't you have to take your time trying to look beautiful? Get lost! " Ron stated, glaring at Y/n, who rose an eyebrow.

" Wow, Weasley. I didn't know you were dying to talk to me." She said sarcastically, leaning against Draco,
" And for your kind information, if you're trying to lower my self-confidence by saying I'm ugly, not
working, " She grinned.

" Because I know what effect I have on people, " She looked over at Harry, blinking innocently, " Right, Harry? " She added a wink, looking at him up and down with a teasing smirk. Harry coughed, turning red almost instantly as the name slipped off sweetly by her tongue.

Y/n smirked wider, giving Ron a look.
" What were you saying again? It's safe to say atleast, I'm not jealous of my own best friend. " She raised an eyebrow as Hermione shot her look.

" How did you know that? "

" Don't speak to me, Granger. "

With that said, she turned around and grabbed Draco's hand, leading him away. " See you, losers! Bet they haven't got a date yet! "

Draco said loudly, throwing his arm around her shoulder. " As much as I like watching you being confident, don't ever call that boy with his name. It's sickening. " Draco scoffed and Y/n grinned.

" It worked. Did you see how red he was? " Draco nodded. The last thing he wanted was Potter having a crush on
Y/n. He was sure he'd go muggle on him if he ever did.

" Oh, boy! There they are. " He sighed at the group of Beauxbaton girls. Y/n rolled her eyes. " I need an escape, like right now. Do something. "

Y/n looked over at him, than back at the group of girls. " Do what? " She frowned before smirking. " Okay. " She shrugged and grabbed his collar, and pulled him closer, catching Draco off guard.

" Why are you so red? We didn't even kiss! " She giggled, pecking the corner of his mouth to make it look like they were kissing. " I hate it that you're taller! " She muttered, causing Draco to snake his arms around her waist.

There was a wail of cry, breaking them apart. They looked over and found Meredith crying. Y/n raised an eyebrow,

" I'd never cry like that over a boy. "

Draco nodded, surprised. " Just act oblivious. " She nudged him and Draco cleared his throat. When the two pulled away from the position, Meredith sniffled, making her way towards Draco.

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