Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Waltz Practice and Date.

When Y/n reached the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning with Elle annoyed, than she found Draco and Meredith flirting once again.

Wanting to just ignore the two and the sick burning feeling inside her chest, she settled and grabbed a toast, engaging herself in a conversation with Elle.

" I'm surprised you survived, Potter. " Pansy said, to Harry was walking by.
" Just leave him alone, Parkinson. " Y/n snapped.

She never meant to stand up for the boy, but the annoyance bubbling up inside her because of Draco and Meredith's flirting made her get it out on Pansy.

" Why are you standing up for him? " Draco asked, a confused look on his face. " I'm not standing up for him. I just hate Parkinson. "

She grabbed her bag and stromed out of the Great Hall, Elle following her.
" What was that? " She chuckled, hooking her arm with Y/n.

" I'm just annoyed, that's all. " She reasoned, not wanting to tell Elle that she was annoyed by Draco flirting with Meredith. It would make her tell Y/n more that they'd be dating.

She didn't think it was possible. Would Draco look at her as more than a friend? The answer was quick to appear. No. A big fat one at that.

Making her way to Potions classroom, she was the first to get there with Elle.
" Good morning, professor. "

" Morning, Miss Clair. " Snape said in his monotonous voice. Y/n liked Snape. He was a good teacher and amazing at Potions and Defense, which was a pity he never got to teach them.

" I heard you used advanced transfiguration skill on Mr. Malfoy. "
Y/n widened her eyes. " It wasn't me. It was Moody. He turned Draco into a ferret-"

" I meant, you brought Draco back into his form. " Snape cut her off, amusement laced in his voice. Y/n came to realization of what he was talking about and nodded, embarressed. Elle was trying not to laugh beside her, biting her lip so hard.

" That was appreciative, Miss Clair. Professor McGonagall talked to me personally about it, " Y/n beamed. She felt good when Snape complimented her.

" Thank you, professor. "

Snape nodded curtly and stalked away. Elle finally burst into fits of giggles.
" Shut up! " Y/n said, a tint on her cheeks. " Anyway, was the ferret cute? "

Y/n rolled her eyes. " You're back at it again. I don't want to talk to you! " Y/n said and Elle laughed.

When everyone arrived, Snape motioned them to stand aside and levitated all the benches away, leaving the classroom plain and deskless.

" What's this about? " Elle whispered and Y/n shook her head, " No idea. "

" The Yule Ball is approaching - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and
above - although you may invite a younger student if you wish -"

Snape said, causing some girls to look at him excitedlt at the mention of dance,

" Dress robes will be worn," Professor Snape continued, " and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Now then -" But that does NOT mean, that we will be relaxing the standards of behavior we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Slytherin student embarrasses the school in any way." He states standing up and reaching the middle of the classroom.

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