Chapter One

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Chapter One : The Diagon Alley and Wands.

Sunrays peeked through the curtains that made, me, sleeping peacefully on by bed, groan. I rolled over, hoping to get some more sleep but it didn't help.

There was a knock on the door, causing me to open my eyes and look at my mother, who just walked in.
" Morning, honey. "

I looked up at mother with a sleepy smile." Morning, mother. " Mother smiled, pushing away her blonde hair out of her face

I always admired blonde hair but unfortunately, I had acquired father's hair colour. Black. I was used to be called out among the crowd.

My hair was black, that reached my
mid-back, with pale skin, electric blue eyes and everyone told me i look alot like my mother than my father.

" Are we going to Draco's? " I ask, looking at her hopefully. She chuckled and nodded. " Yes, we are. Dress presentable, alright? "

I beamed and got up, pushing off the rug and ran to the bathroom. Draco Malfoy is my best friend, in case you didn't know. We've known each other ever since we were toddlers.

Mother and Father are quite close with the Malfoy's that made me and Draco instantly bond over time. The Malfoys with the Clairs, us, were purebloods and famous among the Wizard Community, and in Sacred Twenty-Eight.

Draco was nice. He was annoying, but I knew I wasn't any less. We never actually fought but we always bicker. It wasn't serious. We both enjoy it thoroughly.

He was my best friend and I was sure he understood me more than I do myself and same goes with him. I knew him better than anyone.

Having riches and a name didn't mean we were happy. Mother and father were always busy at the ministry or some work, with the Malfoys so that always left and Draco with each other's company. Not that I minded.

He always helped me feel good.

I quickly brushed my teeth and took a shower. Doing my hair, I wore a shirt and skirt with a cardigan. Rushing downstairs, I grinned at father. " Good morning, father. "

" Good morning, darling. How was your sleep? " I smiled. " It was alright. I slept well. How long are we staying at Draco's? "

Mother and father always laughed at me for some reason, every time I mentioned Draco. I don't know what the reason was, but if it was funny, I'd like to know.

" A short amount of time, honey. But if you like, you can go to the Diagon Alley with him for shopping since you start school a day after tomorrow. "

I grinned and nodded.

Yes, I got my Hogwarts letter a few days ago and I was so excited to go there. Mother and father studied there too and both were Slytherins and I was bound to get into Slytherin too.

And I still had to get my books and necessary things for school. And shopping with Draco would be fun. He was fun to spend time with rather than staying alone at the mansion, with my house elves, although they were a great company, I wasn't allowed to be nice to them.

I never understood that. Father always says we're purebloods, so we're better than everyone. There was muggle-borns, who have no magical parents but they are magical. Than there are half-bloods. One of their parents is muggle.

And lastly, purebloods. Both of my parents are purebloods and Slytherins. So we were better than everyone. I got that, but I didn't know why I wasn't allowed to be nice to the house elves or anyone that isn't puteblood at that matter.

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