ch 10; Let the party begin

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Takato was just a few minutes from running to the closest store to buy a cake since Junta couldn't visit him. And Andreas hadn't answered on his text.
He had just started thinking about putting on his shoes and get a cake when Andreas finally answered.
(" Hi... I'm busy right now... What about I'm coming over later? About Two hours? We can have a movie night instead ^^")
Takato nods slowly while he reads the text some times, nibbling on the tip of his thumb.
("Okay, see you then... I can get some snacks while you get alcohol")
Takato starts smiling while his heart pounds faster of excitement.
  Movie night seems innocent. No way there would happened anything weird and inappropriate.
If he had planned movie night with Junta, the evening would probably turn into sex. Or, it would definitely turn into sex the moment they have'd started the movie and take their seats.
And Andreas isn't Junta. Which means it will be movie as they have'd said.
     Takato inhales sharply. Or is he?
When he thinks about it... It isn't normal with guys throwing themselves over other guys they barely know. Which Andreas did with him. And kind of with Junta.
What if. What if Andreas is like Junta!?
Takato blushes.
Should he take a shower in case? Not like he would do anything with Andreas. But just in case.
He wants at least smelling good and have freshly clean clothes on.
      Takato shakes his head while he does some kind of grunting sound.
He starts typing a new text to Andreas.
("Never mind btw... I don't want you here!!!")
Takato stares at the text with his thumb over the send button.
Send or not to send. That's the big question.
If he was real honest with himself, he doesn't want to send that text. He wants Andreas here.
But once again, he is Takato Saijo. Since when was he real honest with himself?!
    Takato grits his teeth and tries stay away from his instincts to freeze out people he cares about and like.
   His thumb starts trembling from being immobile too long, and is by mistake sending the text.
Takato inhales sharply and wides his eyes when he understands his mistake.
"No-..." he mumbles terrified.
Should he perhaps send a new text and explain he sent the other one by mistake?
     He blinks surprised when he sees Andreas's answers.
("Okay, see you later:) ")
He gasps and feels how relief spreads around in his body and calm down his heart.
("Baka! I told you I don't want you here... I won't open the door when you arrive")
Takato stares at the new text he just sent without hesitation.
How stupid is he?!
Without waiting on Andreas's answers, he takes off his clothes and enter the shower.
In case Andreas shows up anyway.


Since Takato was out of snacks, he have'd to buy new just in case.
Not like he wants Andreas there. Or something.
However, he have'd already told Andreas to stay away twice. Not like Andreas would disobey that and show up. He isn't Junta.
    Takato holds the bag with salted potato chips tightly, standing by the coffee table there he has already placed some empty bowls.
What if Andreas isn't showing up? And Takato ends up alone.
    Tears starts building up in his eyes and make the view blurry.
Will he never learn? Learn to be honest with himself.
He sniffs when someone suddenly rings on the bell.
Takato jolts inhaling. The corners of his lips start curling up into a smile.
He drops the bag on the table and walks to the door in hurry.

"Didn't I told you-..." he mutters while he swings the door opened with red hair in mind.
He wides his eyes shocked when blond hair appears in his view.
"C-chunta..." he gasps when Junta pushes them into the apartment and closes the door behind him.
   Junta smiles widely and wraps his arms around Takato while he starts kissing him moaning.
Takato's heart pounds loudly and happily.
Silent, happy moans leaves his mouth and he leans against Junta.
The bigger man presses his body as much he can against Takato as he wants to fuck him right now and right there.
Takato wides his eyes when he feels Junta's hardon pressing against his thigh.
The black haired man tries pushing away Junta.
"Stooop..." he begs and turns away his face from Junta and breaks the kiss.
Junta looks arousal at Takato.
"I can't..." he says and breathes heavily against Takato's throat.
   Junta Azumaya starts kissing Takato gently at the side of his throat.
Takato winced.
"Yes you can... I have actually no time for you right now..."
Junta looks confused into his eyes.
"Why not? You have no work right now..."
Takato snorts while he rolls his eyes.
"I have other plans with someone else" he explains and crosses his arms.
Junta grits his teeth and leans away from Takato.
"Who?!" He growled.
"Not your concern... You couldn't today since your were busy...So...shoo..." Takato says and waves his hand to shoo away Junta.
Junta grabs Takato's hand and stares coldly into Takato's frightened eyes.
" Cancel your plans..."
Takato shakes his head.
"No-... You left me alone the other day... So, I have no obligation to you and must cancel my plans today..." he disobey even though he knows he were the one who told Junta to leave him alone.
But... Junta should now by now, that, Takato sometimes doesn't mean what he says. Junta as his boyfriend should learn to looking for signs instead. Seeing if Takato's body screams after him or not.
   Junta sighs and runs a hand through his blond hair.
"I'm sorry about that..." Junta says before he jolts as he got an idea.
"But let me repay you by taking you home to my place~☆" Junta suggests smiling and starts pulling Takato against the door.
Takato gasps while he stumbles the few steps to the door.
"W-...WAIT!?...What are you doing creep?!" He asks blushing and a bit terrified. Is Junta about to kidnap him?!
"Kid-...Taking you home to-..." Junta explains while he pulls down the door handle and opens the door with a surprised Andreas outside.
"Hi?" Andreas greets surprised.
Both Junta and Takato inhales shocked and stares at Andreas.
Andreas starts eyeing them before he snickers and holds the plastic bag with alcohol in front them.
"Great I took more alcohol than I were planning to do...Since we are more than two now" he snickers.

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