ch 18; Smile for the camera

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Takato started writing something almost immediately when he came back home from Junta's place.
When he was finished he gave about two papers with some lines written on them to Andreas.
"Here... You will be Riku... Learn your lines as good you can before Chunta comes over..."
Andreas starts eyeing the lines.
Then he exhales chuckling.
"Just admit it..." Andreas grins.
Takato tilts his head.
"Admit what?"
Andreas snorts smiling and looks at Takato.
"That... You want a sex-tape with Junta-kun and me, you can watch when you're feeling alone..."
Takato flinches blushing.
"N-no I don't! Baka... You think too highly about yourself... Be careful so your big head won't burst" Takato snorts and looks shyly away from Andreas.
Andreas giggles.
"I would rather have you in the sex-tape than me... Can't you join? We three can make an awesome video we can watch later..."
Takato wrinkles his face into disgust.
"And what? Eating popcorn and watch an embarrassing tape together there we all are fooling around?"
Andreas smirks and leans against Takato.
"Who said we would fooling around?" Andreas asks with lower voice near Takato's ear.
The black haired man gulps.
Andreas kisses him gently on his ear.
"Beside...Pizza and beer while we are watching our homemade porn sounds better than popcorn..." Andreas adds and starts kissing Takato on his cheekbone.
Takato shivers of pleasure.
"You're crazy..."
Andreas chuckles.
"Yes I am..." he says and drops the papers who falls to the floor.
Then he runs his hand into Takato's hair while the other rest on the back near his backside.
Andreas starts kissing Takato hungrily who gasps surprised.
Takato's heart starts racing and he glances down on the floor there the papers are.
He leans away a slightly from Andreas and break the kiss.
"I-...I have some more to prepare...Before Chunta arrives..." Takato gulps.
Andreas blinks confused that, the kiss is already over.
But he exhales smiling.
"Few minutes won't hurt..." Andreas says and leans against Takato to kiss him again.
Takato places a hand against Andreas's mouth to stop him from kissing him again.
"S-stop..." Takato blushes.
Andreas looks confused at him.
"Okay..." he exhales and leans away from Takato. Letting go off him.
Andreas starts kneeling down to take up the papers.
Takato starts pouting a little. He regrets he'd stopped the kiss.
His lips tingles excited and he wants to feel Andreas's lips stroking against his again.
Andreas exhales smiling when he had picked up the last paper.
Takato grits his teeth and moves with fast movements against Andreas there he places his hands on Andreas's shoulders while his lips press against Andreas's.
Andreas gasps shocked and lost his balance.
They both end up at the floor there Andreas lays on his back with Takato over him. During the fall Andreas had dropped the papers again.
Takato inhales surprised and wides his eyes.
"I'm S-sorry..." Takato apologizes and looks ashamed at Andreas.
Andreas giggles.
"It's okay..." he smiles and wraps his arms around Takato.
"More than okay... You make me happy..." he adds.
Takato snorts.
"B-baka..." Takato starts saying and looks away.
He gasps shocked when Andreas starts shifting there he rolls around with Takato in his arms.
Takato wides his eyes and looks up at Andreas who looks happily down at him.
The red haired man starts stroking the back of his hand on Takato's cheek.
Takato gulps and closes his eyes.
Andreas smirks and places a soft kiss on Takato's forehead.
"How about we do a quickie before Junta arrives?" Andreas asks gently and let his hand underneath Takato's sweater.
Takato shivers moaning.
Andreas starts stroking his hand over Takato's chest, squeezing his breast gently.
The man below him starts fidgeting arousal.
"N-..." Takato furrows his eyebrows and swallows hardly.
"Okay..." he mumbles and looks away from Andreas who blinks confused.
"Y-you're sure?"
Andreas inhales gasping
" I won't disappointment you Takato-san..." the red dyed haired man smiles and takes his hand out from Takato's sweater and leans away from him.
Takato's heart pounds faster.
"Uh-m...WAH!" Takato gasps surprised when Andreas suddenly bends his body a slightly and kneels between his legs.
"W-what a-are y-you doing?!" Takato blushes.
Andreas smirks and start stroking his hard on against the spot there Takato's entrance is.
Takato inhales sharply and his heart pounds loudly of seeing Andreas rubbing against him with them both still dressed.
Andreas smirks.
"I'm not sure what I'm doing... I saw an episode of an anime yesterday there a man rubbed his dick against another man like this, they were dressed and I thought the scene was pretty hot...I wanted to try that and see if it's hot in real life too..." Andreas explains.
Takato shakes his head and grits his teeth a slightly while he is breathing heavily.
The man holds a half clenched fist in front his mouth.
"Y-you are weird...No way something weird like that is h-h..." Takato starts protesting when he suddenly interrupts himself by groaning shakily and jolted.
Andreas chuckles and looks amused down at Takato while he keeps rubbing his dick outwardly Takato's jeans.
"It seems you are enjoying yourself" Andreas pants.
"N-no I don't..." Takato gulps.
Andreas raises an asking eyebrow and looks down at Takato's jeans while he slows down with rubbing himself at Takato.
"Then...Why are you hard down there?" He asks curiously and grabs the bulge on Takato's jeans with a steady hand.
Takato jolts gasping.
"I-I..." Takato's head spins around, trying to think out a good explanation.
Andreas exhales smiling.
"It feels good, right?"
Takato snorts and clicks his tongue while he looks straight into Andreas's eyes.
"Of course... Why would I otherwise be hard?!"
Andreas looks surprised at him before he snickers and sits more up there he starts unbuckling his own jeans.
"True..." he grins and exhales a slightly relieved when his hardon gets some space.
Takato wides his eyes when he sees Andreas's dick who jerks a little.
"I-...I have changed my mind..." Takato suddenly says and starts crawling backward there he starts turning around onto all fours.
Andreas flinches.
"Oh no...You haven't..." he smirks and crawls on his fours against Takato there he leans over him from behind.
Takato gulps.
"Y-yeah I have... You...You should save your stamina for Chunta instead..." Takato says while Andreas starts unzipping his pants and pulls them down to his knees.
"Don't worry about me, Takato-san... If you want...We can masturbate together instead... The men in the anime I mentioned did that too... It looked hot..." Andreas suggests and grabs his own dick and Takato's dick with one hand each.
Takato jolts of the touch.
"Stop...Stop looking at weird things and think you can t-try them on me..." Takato gulps and starts moaning when Andreas's hand starts moving up and down along his hard dick.
Meanwhile is Andreas jerking himself off, leaning over Takato's back to reach Takato's penis.
Andreas moans.
" You turns me on..." he mumbles while he feels how his own member is pulsing in his hand.

"I'm coming...I'm coming..." Takato mumbles.
Andreas speeds up his movements and is jerking Takato off faster.
Soon the dick jerks and Takato's semen hits the floor with a splash.
The black haired man groans loudly while his body is shaking during the release
Andreas feels how he isn't satisfied with just masturbating and how his body screams after Takato. Feeling how he wants to fill Takato's tightness with his dick and then, eventually with his sperm.
"I'm sorry Takato-san..."
Andreas places his hands on Takato's waist and starts pointing his member against Takato's backside.
Separating his buttocks determined with his hardon.
Takato gasps.
"Andreas wait..." he mumbles while he starts sitting up. Then he suddenly feels how something big and hard yet soft is filling his ass.
"Ahh-..." Takato furrows his eyebrows with melted eyes of pleasure.
Andreas starts thrusting his dick the moment he can move freely inside Takato.

About five minutes after Andreas and Takato were finished, Junta knocks before he opens the door.
"I'm here..." Junta says and peeks his head into the apartment.
Then the blond hunk enters the apartment there he closes the door behind him.
Takato grins and walks out to the hallway with the plastic bag he's had taken with him home earlier.
"Great...You are here..." Takato snickers.
Junta nods smiling.
"Hai... As I promised you..."
"Here" Takato smiles and holds the plastic bag in front Junta's face.
"Oh? What is this?" Junta asks with a happy smile.
Takato chuckles.
"Something I bought for you"
Junta exhales gasping.
"Thank, Takato-chan...I-..." Junta says while he takes the plastic bag and takes out something green from it.
The man gets silent when he holds a green dress in his hands.
Takato makes sounds as he tries keeping his laugh back, but shortly after that, he bursts out in laughter.
"SEE THAT AS PAYBACK! You perverse angel..." Takato laughs pointing at Junta.
Andreas walks into the hallway and looks curiously at the other two.
He snickers when he sees the dress with stretch from the waist up to the chest.
Junta blushes.
"I...I can't use this... Takato-chan...I would rather see you-..." Junta complains.
Takato shakes his head.
"No no...Remember what I said... You aren't forgiven until you have done everything I have told you to do today ..." Takato reminds him.
Junta sighs.
"Hai..." Junta exhales disappointed.

When he has changed clothes, Takato takes up his phone.
"Smile for the camera..." he smirks and snaps some photos of a surprised Junta.
"Wait..." Junta begs gasping.
Takato grins.
"No I won't... Beside...Your punishment aren't over yet..."
Junta raises an eyebrow.
Takato glances over his shoulder against Andreas.
"Andreas...Give Chunta the papers you read earlier..."
Andreas jolts.
"Okay" he giggles and walks away to get the papers he then hands over to Junta.
Junta looks asking at the papers.
Takato smirks.
"You are going to play the role...Sakura while Andreas is Riku..." he tells Junta.
Junta gasps and looks at Takato, understanding what Takato tries hinting about. What he is paying back for.
The blond man exhales.
"If you say so..." he sighs.
Takato nods.
"And I will record everything" Takato explains.
Junta gets a frown on his face.
"Hai..." he mumbles and knows he can't escape this.
He better get through this to get forgiven of Takato.
But he will definitely not enjoying this.
He is an alpha, the top, no way he would enjoy there someone are dominant over him and force him to be submissive!
It will be a weird experience.
He better pushing Andreas back down below him shortly after this before the red haired man thinks he can always dominate him.
Junta smirks at Andreas as he tries telling him what he has looking forward to.
Andreas raises an asking eyebrow.
The blond man exhales snickering.
"Let's begin..." he says and walks further into the apartment with the green dress on and the papers in his hand.

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