ch 4; the kiss, real or fake?!

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Takato could feel the annoying headache the second before he opens his eyes around lunch time next day.
He whines and rub his hand on his temple while he opens his eyes and sits up.
"Eh?" He gasps shocked when he notices he is sleeping with his clothes still on.
"Why am I fully dressed?!" he asks and stand up from the bed and stumbles out to the bathroom.
He takes out the can with aspirin and takes out two pills.
Then he puts the pills in his mouth and swallows them with the water from the water tap.
The cell phone starts vibrating as he got a new text.
He turns off the water and rub his wrist on his mouth before he takes up his phone.
He wides his eyes terrified when he sees he has got around twenty texts and about ten missed calls.
And they all came from same person; Junta Azumaya!
Takato snorts grimacing and opens some of the texts.
("Good morning Takato-chan~♡")
Takato smiles gently of that text.
("Takato-chaaaaaan... Why haven't you responded at my text yet!?!?T_T")
He grunts of that text and sits down on the toilet.
("How did the rehearsal worked out yesterday?:) ")
("Hangover today?!?!")
("Should I come over and take care of you<3 ")
Takato rolls his eyes and doesn't feel up to getting Junta over to his place.
Today he wants some alone time and not getting disturbed of a horny beast who won't leave him alone for one minute at least.
("Was Andreas at your place?!")
Takato flinchs and wides his eyes terrified of Junta's last text.
How did he knew about Andreas?! That Andreas and he have work together through the movie...
He gets startled when the cell phone starts buzzing in his hands.
It's very close he is about to drop the phone at the floor.
Nervously he sees it's the horny angel who is calling him.
He presses the green button and answers.
"C-chunta..." he blushes with the phone against his ear.
"TAKATO-CHAN!!!~♡☆" Junta shouts happily and make Takato's head pounding painfully.
"Don't shout..."he grunts begging and leans his forehead at his palm.
" headache..."
"I figured that out" Junta chuckles.
" Should I bring something with me when I comes over?"
Takato stiffen and inhales sharply.
"Don't come..." he mumbles.
Takato inhales deeply and tries building up some courage.
"I don't want you here today!" He repeats and sounds too harshly.
"Why not?"
"Be course I don't!" He answers frustrated.
"Bye!" He adds and takes away the phone from his ear.
"Eh...Takato-chan!....Takato-chan..." Junta says while Takato hangs up the phone.
Takato starts snickering.
"I-... I did it!" He grins proudly with tears in the corners of his eyes.
He starts laughing loudly with rapidly heartbeats.
"I FINALLY MANAGED TO TURN DOWN  THAT HORNY-..." he shouts happily when someone suddenly pushes the door bell.
Takato jolts and inhales sharply before he holds his breath.
Don't tell me that bastard came anyway, Takato thinks and starts cold sweating.
Takato stands nervously up from the toilet and walks against the hallway.

He opens the door slowly and gives the person outside his apartment a scary face.
Ice blue eyes wides surprised of his look.
"Something wrong, Saijo-san?" Andreas gasps.
Takato raises his eyebrows when he sees the red haired man outside his apartment.
"Andreas? What are you doing here?" Takato asks and open up the door the whole way.
Andreas smiles gently at him and hold one guitar in his left hand and one guitar around his waist and shoulder at his back.
Takato is eyeing the a slightly taller man in front him.
"And how do you know where I live?" He adds and tilts his head asking.
Andreas chuckles.
"I helped you home yesterday since you were too drunk to take you home by your own"
"Ahh..." Takato presses his lips and looks down on the bag with the guitar Andreas holds.
"And... You and I decided to meet today and have some training together with the movie" Andreas explains when he sees where Takato is looking at.
The black haired man gasps.
"We did?!" His head pounds when he tries remember what they have'd said and done yesterday.
"Um" Andreas nods and tighter his grip of the guitar case.
Takato glances backward over his shoulder into his apartment, while he clears his throat.
"Well... Welcome in then..."
"Thanks" Andreas smiles and walks into the apartment there he takes off his black boots.
Before Takato closes the door he looks suspicious around outside his apartment.
"Good..." he mumbles.
"What are you doing?" Andreas asks and startled Takato.
"Making sure ch- ...Ehm...Nothing..." he laughs nervously and closes the door.
Takato swallows nervously and follow Andreas with his eyes. And walks after him.
Andreas giggles and walks into the living room.
"Thanks for helping me home yesterday..." Takato mumbles shyly and run his hand through his hair while Andreas put down the two guitar cases at the floor next the white couch who looks pretty expensive.
Andreas nods.
"Of course! We are going to work alot with each other...And we need help each other with some parts of the movie...So, of course I want to help you home" Andreas smiles widely.
The handsome man takes out his manuscript from the pocket of one of the guitar cases.
"Let's reading some lines first..." he suggests and waves the manuscript against Takato.
Takato nods.
"Okay...But first..." he starts saying before his stomach grumbling loudly.
He chuckles nervously and holds his arms around his stomach.
Andreas raises an asking eyebrow.
"But first breakfast-..." Takato says and turns around.
Andreas smiles chuckling at Takato's back when he walks against the kitchen.


Takato blushes hardly when they are saying the lines.
He has never made a romantic movie between two men.
Especially not with someone hot as Andreas. The one he is jealous at from stealing his first place at that rankings.
Okay, perhaps he stole Junta's spot. But never mind that.
The thing is, Takato wants his first place back.
"S-sato... I have wrote a song for you..." Takato says and can't stop his heartbeats from racing away.
Andreas looks surprised at him.
"You have?"
"Yes... And I want you to sing it since that's my favorite"
"Uenoyama-kun..." Andreas inhales deeply.
"I can't..."
Takato grabs Andreas's hand fumbling and stares determined yet embarrassed into his ice blue eyes with his own darker blue eyes.
Andreas wides his eyes shocked and inhales sharply.
"Yes you can!... You can since I believe in you and your beautiful v-voice-..." Takato says before his voice starts cracking and he looks down blushing.
"Geeez-... What were they thinking?!" He complains out of character, and let's go off Andreas hand.
Andreas blinks surprised and a small blush appears on his cheeks.
"Y-yeah..." he chuckles nervously and run his hand into his shoulder long hair.
Takato sighs and leans backward on his seat.
"Who want to watch a movie about a group young men who have a band with each other, there the guitarist finds a boy at his school who sings beautiful... And they end up with each other?!" Takato snorts.
Andreas raises his arm in the air.
"Huh?" Takato raises an eyebrow and looks asking at Andreas.
"I want to watch that movie!" He explains and lower his arm.
"EH?!" Takato jolts and wides his eyes.
Andreas starts fidgeting shyly.
"I love gay-romantic..."
"Y-you...D-do?!..." Takato stammers.
"Yes...So...When I were offered to play a roll in this new movie 'Given' I almost shouted of joy and jumped happily..." Andreas snickers.
Takato's heart skips a beat and pounds loudly.
Does that mean... Is Andreas gay?!
Takato can't help it, but a happy smile spreads on his face. As he was relieved or something.
Andreas flips some pages in his manuscript and points at a part.
"Can we start from here?" Andreas begs.
Takato leans against him and glances curiously at his manuscript.
"Uhm" he agrees and flips his own manuscript to the same page as Andreas.
Takato clears his throat while he is waiting on Andreas's line.
"Thank You... Thanks for getting me this far...Thank y-..." Andreas says.
"I LOVE YOU..." Takato shouts embarrassed and inhales almost at the same time as Andreas does.
Takato clicks his tongue.
"Forget it..." Takato says and is about to tell Andreas they will stop training lines for now.
But he didn't managed to say that since Andreas grabs his collar and places his lips gently at his lips.
Takato wides his eyes surprised and the time seems freezing.
Even his heart seems stop working.
At last Takato pushes away Andreas.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, HUH?!" He shouts upset and his heart starts beating quickly again.
Andreas blinks confused and snickers when he sees how tomatoe red Takato's face is.
"That kiss is a part of the scene... Even though you are supposed to be the one to kiss me and not the other way around..." Andreas defense himself and points at the part in the manuscript there the kiss is mentioned.
"Huh?!...Baaakaaa..." Takato whines and starts hitting Andreas with his manuscript.
"Don't you dare kissing me like that again!..."
Andreas starts laughing loudly.
"Sorry...Sorry..." he laughs with tears in the corners of his eyes.
Suddenly a noise between the hallway and the living room silence them.
Takato turns around gasping and sees Junta who just dropped a plastic bag on the floor there cans of hot chocolate rolls out onto the floor.

Btw, I will mention parts of the manga/anime; GIVEN.
If you have neither seen or read it, I would recommend you to ^^
At least I think that story is awesome... And I recommend the anime since the songs are great👍
(But you don't have to watch that to read my story...No No... It's just a simple recommendation of a great yaoi ~)

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