ch 13; the second date

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The streets are pretty crowded when Andreas and Junta tries heading to a restaurant.
They have to pushing them through the mass of people.
Junta starts chuckling.
"Perhaps we should have'd take another hour than during rush hour..."
Andreas nods agreeing.
"Yeah... It isn't easy with getting somewhere right now..." he says and has to stop walking when an overweight man in suit crosses his path from the side and separated Andreas from Junta.
When the man at last have'd passed by, is Junta gone.
"Eh?..." Andreas looks nervously around after Junta.
"Azumaya-kun?...HEY... Azumaya-kun where are you?" Andreas shouts asking while his eyes tries finding Junta amongst the crowd.
There are many faces who are passing Andreas's eyes. But none of them belong to Junta.
His heart starts pounding faster.
What if he won't be able with finding Junta?
Beside... Shouldn't it be easy with finding Junta since he stands out with his blond hair and pretty tall body?!
"Azumaya-kun..." Andreas mumbles while he furrows his eyebrows and looks bothered down at the ground.
He jolts when someone suddenly grabs his hand.
"I'm sorry... It seems we got separated..." Junta apologies with heavier breathing as he have'd running or got nervous from being separated from his date.
Andreas looks gasping up at Junta.
His heart pounds happily of being saved of the beautiful hunk.
"Azumaya-kun..." he mumbles while his eyes start watering.
"Uhm..." he nods smiling.
"It seems we got separated for awhile..."
Junta is eyeing Andreas curiously before he clears his throat.
" I better hold your hand... Or we will lose each other again..." Junta tells Andreas and starts pulling him after him.
Andreas gasps shocked and stumbles forward a few steps until he gets back his balance and starts walking a step behind Junta to his right side.
He wipes away the few tears who are threatening to fall.
Then he giggles happily of holding hands with Junta.
Junta glances backward with a smile while he exhales through his nose.

They breath out relieved when they turn in to a street who aren't as crowded as the other.
"Finally..." Junta chuckles smiling at Andreas.
"Y-yeah... Finally we can walking without almost crashing into someone" Andreas nods.
"And we are soon at the restaurant..." Junta says while his eyes are looking around to see where they should go next to get to their destination.
Andreas hums as an answer while his eyes are looking around in the street they are walking.
He smiles widely when he finds an amusement arcade.
Junta is about to walk against the direction there the restaurant is when Andreas suddenly pulls him against the arcade.
"Come..." Andreas says excited.
Junta exhales gasping and stumbles after Andreas.
"Where are you going? The restaurant isn't against that direction..."
"I found something funnier..." Andreas grins.

Junta looks asking around inside the building there the biggest part of the customers are teenagers.
He exhales sighing.
"Okay... Let's play some games before we walk to the restaurant... We have perhaps some time for this..." Junta snickers.
They are planning to see a movie at the cinema after the restaurant.
But Junta is alright with losing some time at the restaurant if this makes Andreas happy.
Andreas nods.
"Thanks... What about we start racing there you sit on a motorcycle?..." Andreas suggests and points against the game there four motorcycles stands beside each other.
Junta looks at the game Andreas points at.
"Hai hai... " he nods.
" Don't get surprised when I'm passing you and drives away in fast speed" he adds while they are walking against the game, now without holding hands.
"It sounds as a challenge... And I agree on that...since I'm going to win" Andreas smirks.
They sit up on the motorcycles beside each other.
Then they start the game.
During the race Andreas managed to slipping on oil.
He starts laughing of his own mistake.
Junta pulls his eyes off the big screen and looks spellbound at the laughing redhead.
His heart pounds loudly and faster of the sight.
Then he grins and starts paying attention at the game again.

After some games Andreas pulls Junta against the claw machines.
"Where are we going now? Perhaps we should walk to the restaurant now before it's gets too late and we must go to the cinema instead..." Junta points out asking.
Andreas snickers.
"Just one more thing before we leave..."
Andreas starts examining the claw machines and tries finding a plush he wants.
At last he finds a machine filled with cute Oddishes.
"Oh! I really want this one!" He says excited and leans against the machine with his hands onto the glass while he is eyeing the plushes.
Junta raises an eyebrow.
"Are they... Pokémon?" he asks and is eyeing the small blue Pokémon with big green leaves as hair at its round body with only feet without arms.
Andreas nods.
"Yes yes... And I really like Oddish... It's cute... Can you win one for me?" He asks smiling and looks backwards at Junta.
Junta raises an eyebrow.
"Heh... I have a better idea..." he snickers and walks closer to the claw machine.
"You will do the work will I help you..." he smirks.
"How?" Andreas turns against Junta and tilts his head asking.
Junta nods against the stick you use to move the claw.
"Put your hand on the stick and see..."
Andreas is looking confused at him, but does as he was told to.
Suddenly Junta presses himself against Andreas from behind while he inserted a coin into the machine.
Andreas jolts gasping there the gasp turns into a moan.
Then Junta puts his hand on Andreas's hand who holds the stick.
Andreas swallows and notices how the claw starts moving since Junta starts moving their hands.
But he isn't completely paying attention to the machine since he's mostly thinking about Junta's half hard dick who is rubbing at his butt.
The claw grabs an oddish and starts taking the plush against the hole there you must drop the plush into, to get them as prizes.
The plush glides off the claw and lands beside the hole.
Junta gasps.
"Oh... We lost it..." he mumbles shocked since he for a second thought they were lucky with winning at their first shot.
Andreas looks clueless at the ocean of oddishes.
He shrugs.
"Let's try again... This time I know we will win..." he blushes.
Junta nods and takes his hand off from Andreas's to search after another coin from his pocket.
Andreas inhales sharply when Junta is searching after another coin since he by mistake is moving his body a slightly. Which makes his dick rubs more at Andreas's bottom.
Andreas jolts when Junta at last presses himself closer against Andreas when he finally found a new coin.
He inserts the coin and shortly after that, his warm hand places at Andreas's cold hand.
Andreas body tingles excited of their near body contact and his backside presses instinctively backward against Junta.
"Huh?" Junta glances curiously at Andreas while the Claw sinks down and grabs a plush.
When he sees Andreas's flushed face, he smirks.

Andreas gasps surprised when he notices the plush falls down into the hole.
"We won..." he smiles.
Junta looks asking at the machine.
"We did?" He asks and moves away from Andreas to give him some space.
"Yes..." Andreas answers and kneels down to takes out their prize they just won.
Andreas looks happily at his oddish.
"Thanks Azumaya-kun... This is the best gift I've ever got..." he says with a bright smile.
Junta's heart skip a beat.
"Y-you are w-welcome....And..." he says and looks flushed away.
"Hm?" Andreas looks asking at him while he stands up with the plush in his hands.
Junta clears his throat.
"Please... Call me Junta...It sounds weird with Azumaya when I use your first name..." he admits.
Andreas raises his eyebrows and gasps smiling.
"Thanks Chunta..." he teases chuckling.
Junta flinchs and stares at him.
"I said Junta... Only Takato-Chan is allowed to call me Chunta..." he tells Andreas who keeps laughing.
"Okay okay... " he grins.
"Thanks for the gift, Junta..." he smiles seriously and embraces the plush.
Junta jolts of arousal when he sees Andreas is embracing the plush while he sweetly uses Junta's first name.
He swallows hardly.
"Come... We must walk to the restaurant now..." he says and grabs Andreas's wrist and leads him out from the amusement arcade.

There are less people outside now.
Junta drops the grip of Andreas for awhile since he wanted to check the time at his cell phone.
Meanwhile are Andreas's eyes wandering around and spot a white haired man some meters away.
He isn't seeing the man's face completely. And he knows there are no chance that; that man is the same as the jerk he once were together with.
But his heart starts racing of panic while his eyes wides terrified.
Andreas stiffen and stops moving forward after Junta.
His eyes can't leaving the white haired man with bangs covering one of his eyes.
It even seems as the man is smoking in same way as his ex does. How he holds the cigarette. And how he blows out the smoke by tilting his head up.
"Andreas?" Junta says with concern when he notices something is wrong with him.
His voice isn't reaching Andreas who is still in the awful moment of recognition of a person he once knew. Or thought he knew.
Junta rubs his hand on Andreas's shoulder in attempt to wake him up from his nightmare.
When that isn't working, Junta places himself in front Andreas.
Then he leans against him and starts kissing him with his hand running into Andreas's shoulder long hair.
Andreas flinchs and looks chocked at Junta while their lips are meeting.
Junta leans smiling away.
"Are you alright now?" He asks with his lips a few centrimeter away from Andreas's.
Andreas inhales.
"Y-yeah... Thanks..." he mumbles and gulps while he embraces the plush closer to his chest.
Junta snickers and gives Andreas a quick peck on his cheek.
"Let's proceeding to the restaurant..." he says and grabs Andreas's hand.
Junta chuckles amused while they are walking.
"It really seems I can't let you walk alone... Each time we aren't holding hands, you disappear..." he jokes.
Andreas smiles.
"You have probably right... It seems you must hold my hand while we are walking outside..." he agrees and glances backward at the white haired man whose face turns against Andreas's direction.
Andreas exhales relieved.
As he already knew, it wasn't the same man he was together with in the past.
Andreas chuckles and leans closer against Junta while they are walking hand in hand.
His mood is already raising.
None of them have'd noticed the one who snapped a picture of them while they were kissing...

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